Edukasi Penggunaan Monofilament dalam Deteksi Dini Neuropati Sensori Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Pada Kader di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Kelurahan Kolo Kota Bima

A. Haris, Julhana Julhana



Neuropati atau sering disebut sebagai gangguan sensasi merupakan salah satu  komplikasi yang sering ditemukan pada pasien diabetes Mellitus tipe 2. Kejadian neuropati sering tidak disadari oleh pasien sehingga mengakibatkan munculnya Diabetic Foot Ulcer. Deteksi dini neuropati diabetic sangat penting pada pasien dengan DM karena pencegahan bisa menurunkan morbiditas dan mortalitas.. Metode yang dilakukan meliputi tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, monitoring dan evaluasi. strategi pelaksanaan dengan melakukan pre test sebelum kegiatan dilaksanakan, kemudian membagikan modul dan video penggunaan  alat pengecekan gula darahdan penggunaan monofilament test, setelah itu di evaluasi dengan  post test. Hasil yang didapatkan 90% kader yang hadir mememahami dan bisa mempraktekan cara pengecekan gula darah secara mandiri dan menggunkan monofilament tes. Sedangkan kegaiatan dengan 50 penyandang diabetes 40% mengalami gangguan neuropati sensori, maka dapat disimpulakan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan para kader tentang deteksi dini neuropati pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 yang meliputi, pengertian DM, tanda dan gejala, penatalaksanaan, komplikasi, tanda gangguan neuropati dan cara mendeteksinya, ditandai dengan kemampuan kader dan penyandang diabetes mampu menjawab dan mempraktikan pertanyaan dari pengabdi.


Kata Kunci: Edukasi, Pelatihan, Monofilament tes, Neuropati.


ABSTRACT Neuropathy or often referred to as impaired sensation is one of the complications that are often found in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Early detection of diabetic neuropathy is very important in patients with DM because prevention can reduce morbidity and mortality. The methods used include the preparation stage, implementation stage, monitoring and evaluation. the implementation strategy was to do a pre test before the activity was carried out, then distribute modules and videos on the use of blood sugar checking tools and the use of monofilament tests, after which they were evaluated with a post test. The results obtained were 90% of the cadres who attended understood and could practice how to independently check blood sugar and use the monofilament test. While activities with 50 people with diabetes 40% experiencing sensory neuropathy disorders, it can be concluded that there is an increase in knowledge and skills of cadres about early detection of neuropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus which includes understanding of DM, signs and symptoms, management, complications, signs of neuropathic disorders. and how to detect it, is marked by the ability of cadres and people with diabetes to be able to answer and practice questions from the servants. Keywords: Education, Training, Monofilament test, Neuropathy

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