Pemberdayaan Petani Desa Candijati dalam Pencegahan Covid-19 dan Peningkatan Status Ekonomi melalui Pembuatan Masker Jerami Aromaterapi

Ika Rahmawati Sutejo, Adistha Eka Noveyani, Avita Lukmawati




Mayoritas masyarakat Desa Candijati Arjasa Jember Jawa Timur bekerja di bidang pertanian  (64%). Desa Candijati merupakan penghasil padi terbanyak di Kecamatan Arjasa. Petani desa Candijati termasuk golongan masyarakat terdampak pandemi corona. Pembatasan mobilitas membuat petani kesulitan memasarkan produk pertaniannya. Harga produk pertanian menjadi anjlok. Pendapatan petani menjadi turun drastis. Hal ini mencetuskan kecemasan dan stress pada petani. Petani juga menghadapi ancaman terpapar covid selama pandemi, karena tidak mendapat informasi mengenai penyakit dan pencegahan yang benar. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, tim pengusul pengabdian menawarkan solusi kepada mitra petani kelompok tani Desa Candijati berupa penyuluhan mengenai penyakit covid dan pencegahannya serta pelatihan membuat masker beraromaterapi. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah mencegah paparan Covid dan mengurangi stress pada petani serta meningkatkan status ekonomi petani. Metode kegiatan terdiri dari identifikasi keluhan/penyakit petani, pemberian penyuluhan mengenai penyakit dan pencegahannya, dan pelatihan pembuatan tisue  aromaterapi. Tisue aromaterapi yang terbuat dari jerami dan ditambahkan aroma jeruk disisipkan ke dalam masker kain 2 lapis. Selain mencegah paparan virus covid, aroma jeruk pada tisue saat dipakai dalam masker dapat meredakan kecemasan sehingga membantu mengurangi stress yang dialami petani. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah ibu-ibu petani desa Candijati kecamatan Arjasa. Hasil akhir kegiatan ini berupa produk masker aromaterapi, peningkatan ketrampilan,  pemahaman dan kesehatan masyarakat.


Kata Kunci: masker, aromaterapi, tisue, jerami, petani




 The majority of the people of Candijati Arjasa Jember East Java work in agriculture (64%). Candijati village is the largest rice producer in the Arjasa district. Candijati farmers are part of the community affected by the corona pandemic. Restrictions on mobility make it difficult for farmers to market their agricultural products. Prices of agricultural products have fallen. Farmers' incomes have fallen drastically. This triggers anxiety and stress in farmers. Farmers also face the threat of being exposed to covid during the pandemic, because they do not get information about the disease and proper prevention. Based on these problems, the team offered solutions to farmers of Candijati Village in the form of counseling about the covid disease and its prevention as well as training to make aromatherapy masks. The purpose of this program is to prevent exposure to Covid, reduce stress, and improve the economic status of farmers. The method of activity consists of identifying farmer complaints/diseases, providing counseling about diseases and their prevention, training in making aromatherapy tisue. This aromatherapy tissue made from straw and added with the aroma of citrus is inserted into a 2-ply cloth mask. In addition to preventing exposure to the covid virus, the smell of citrus on tissues when used in masks can relieve anxiety so that it helps reduce stress. The target of this activity is the farmers of Candijati village, Arjasa sub-district. The end result of this activity is aromatherapy mask products, skill improvement, understanding, and public health.



Keywords: masks, aromatherapy, tissue, straw, farmers

Kata Kunci

masker, aromaterapi, tisue, jerami, petani, covid

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