Strategi Peningkatkan Semangat dan Kesadaran Masyarakat Dalam Menerapkan Protokol Kesehatan Pandemi Covid-19

Kartika Arum Wardani



Pandemi Covid-19 belum berakhir, banyak masyarakat yang sudah mulai lelah dalam menghadapi situasi pandemi ini. Gaya hidup sehat pun mulai menurun. Kesadaran tanggung jawab antara keluarga baik orang tua dan anak juga semakin menurun. Banyak warga yang mengeluhkan kondisi pandemi yang tak kunjung selesai. Sehingga diperlukan strategi upaya untuk meningkatkan semangat dan juga kesadaran masyarakat di Indonesia khususnya di Desa Beji kecamatan Boyolangu-Tulungagung, beberapa upaya diantaranya melakukan sosilaisasi edukasi tentang pengenalan pandemi Covid-19 serta penerapan protokol kesehatan, sosialisasi peran tenaga kesehatan dan pemeriksaan Covid-19, strategi aktivitas pengantar orang tua dan anak. Hasil dari kegiatan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan sebesar 87%, antusias pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan 55%, dan pelaksanaan kartu aktivitas 2%. Pentingnya dari hasil kegiatan ini diharapkannya dapat memacu motivasi masyarakat agar terus melaksanakan protokol kesehatan dan melakukan aktivitas positif di masa Pandemi.


Kata kunci : COVID-19, Protokol Kesehatan, Aktivitas Pandemi




The Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet, many people are getting tired of dealing with this pandemic situation. Healthy lifestyles began to decline. Awareness of responsibility between families, both parents and children, is also decreasing. Many residents have complained about the ongoing pandemic. So that an effort strategy is needed to increase the enthusiasm and awareness of the people in Indonesia, especially in Beji Village, Boyolangu-Tulungagung sub-district, several efforts including conducting outreach education about the introduction of the Covid-19 pandemic and the application of health protocols, socialization of the role of health workers and Covid-19 checks, strategies parent and child introductory activities. The results of the activity showed an increase in knowledge by 87%, application of health protocol by 55%, and effectivity of pandemic card about 2%. The importance of the results of this activity is expected to spur people's motivation to continue to implement health protocols and carry out positive activities during the Pandemic.


Keywords:  COVID-19, Health Protocols, Pandemic Activities

Kata Kunci

COVID-19, Health Protocols, Pandemic Activities

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