Edukasi Vaksin Covid 19 Dan Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan Dengan 5M Serta Membagikan Masker, Handsanitizer Di RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru
Kata Kunci : Edukasi, Covid 19, Protokol Kesehatan.
ABSTRACTIndonesia is still a contributor to the number of COVID-19 sufferers, which is still increasing in the world, even though the government and all elements of society have tried to socialize the implementation of health protocols. In an effort to stop the spread of Covid-19, it is still considered weak and the community is still not fully compliant with implementing health protocols. As an effort to overcome these problems, it is necessary to socialize and educate about the Covid 19 vaccine and the application of the 5M health protocol. The purpose of this activity is to provide information and increase awareness of patients and families visiting hospitals about the importance of the COVID-19 vaccine and the implementation of health protocols with 5M. The target of this activity is patients and their families who come to Arifin Achmad Hospital Pekanbaru. The method used is by presenting the material, distributing masks and hand sanitizer. The result of this activity is that more than half (75%) of patients and families understand the importance of vaccines and the application of health protocols with 5M in their daily lives, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords: Education, Covid 19, Health Protocol.
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