Penyuluhan Manajemen Luka Terkini dalam Situasi Pandemic Covid -19 Melalui Kegiatan Pesantren Luka dengan Menggunakan Media Zoom Meeting Bagi Mahasiswa Prodi Keperawatan & Profesi Ners Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Nasional Jakarta

Naziyah Naziyah, Rizki Hidayat, Maulidya Maulidya




Luka merupakan kondisi hilangnya kuntinuitas epitel dengan atau tanpa jaringan ikat dibawahnya sehingga menimbulkan kerusakan fungsi kulit yang bisa disebabkan oleh berbagai sebab, misalnya pembedahan, trauma tajam, luka bakar, bahan kimia, gesekan atau tekanan. Saat ini teori yang dipakai dalam merawat luka adalah perawatan luka lembab (moist), tujuannya dengan moist kita dapat mengurangi inflamasi, mengurangi infeksi, mengurangi fibrosis. Serta manfaat dari suasana moist ini adalah meningkatkan aktivitas leukosit, meningkatkan kecepatan penyembuhan luka, meningkatkan kualitas jaringan parut.Tujuan dari kegiatan ini peserta mengetahui manajemen perawatan luka terkini, memberikan nilai-nilai edukasi kepada masyarakat tentang upaya promosi, prevensi dan kurasi di bidang Kesehatan kulit di situasi pandemic covid-19, mampu memahami perawatan luka berbasis lembab dan mampu melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan berupa upaya promotive perventif kuratif dan rehabilitative di situasi pandemic Covid -19. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan ceramah tanya jawab dan diskusi melalui daring melalui media zoom. Hasil Pengabdian kepada masyarakat : Partisipan yang mengikuti penyuluhan pada acara Penyuluhan manajemen luka terkini dalam zituasi pandemic covid -19 sangat antusias dan partisipan yang mengikuti sebanyak 98 peserta yang mengikuti merupakan mahasiswa tingkat akhir program studi keperawatan dan prodi profesi ners fakultas ilmu kesehatan universitas nasional. Artisipan mampu memahami manajemen perawat luka dengan metode perawatan luka modern / perawatan luka terkini dalam situasi pandemi covid-19 dari para narasumber dalam acara pesantren luka bagi mahasiswa fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Nasional.


Kata Kunci: Manajemen Luka, Pesantren luka, Covid 19





Wound is a condition of loss of continuity of the epithelium with or without underlying connective tissue, causing damage to skin function which can be caused by various causes, such as surgery, sharp trauma, burns, chemicals, friction or pressure. Currently the theory used in treating wounds is moist wound care, the goal is with moist we can reduce inflammation, reduce infection, reduce fibrosis. And the benefits of this moist atmosphere are increasing leukocyte activity, increasing the speed of wound healing, improving the quality of scar tissue. To know the latest wound care management, to provide educational values to the public about promotion, prevention and curation efforts in the field of skin health in pandemic situations. covid-19, able to understand moist-based wound care and able to carry out nursing care in the form of promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative efforts in the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Question and answer lectures and online discussions through the media zoom meeting. Question and answer lectures and online discussions via zoom media. Results of Community Service: Participants who took part in counseling at the latest wound management counseling event in the Covid-19 pandemic situation were very enthusiastic and the participants who took part as many as 98 participants who took part were final year students of the nursing study program and nursing profession study program at the national university health sciences faculty. Participants were able to understand the management of wound nurses with modern wound care methods / latest wound care in the COVID-19 pandemic situation from the speakers at the wound boarding school event for students of the National University Health Sciences faculty.


Keywords: wound management, Wound Islamic Boarding School, Covid 19

Kata Kunci


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