Promkes Manajemen Diabetik Untuk Pencegahan Luka Diabetik Pada Kelompok Kader Kesehatan Semarang Barat

Dyah Restuning Prihati, Endang Supriyanti




Self care diabetes merupakan tindakan yang dilakukan seseorang untuk mengontrol diabetes yang meliputi tindakan terapi obat dan pencegahan terhadap komplikasi. Pengukuran aktifitas self care diabetes meliputi pengaturan diet (pola makan), latihan fisik, monitor gula darah, dan terapi obat. Dalam upaya meningkatkan kemandirian merawat kaki perlu dilakukan secara bertahap mulai dari pemberian edukasi secara berkala dan dikenalkan sejak dini pada pasien diabetes mellitus sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan ulkus diabetik. Kasus DM menempati  posisi ke empat dalam 10 besar kasus penyakit di kota Semarang. Tujuan Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat diberikan kepada kelompok kader keehatan di wilayah Semarang Barat, diharapkan dengan mereka mengetahui dan bisa mengaplikasikan tentang managemen diabetik sebagai upaya pencegahan dini luka diabetik. Pemberian materi tentang penatalakasanaan DM, foot care, demonstrasi senam kaki dan pendampingan.  Evaluasi diawali dari pre test dan post test tentang pengetahuan tentang perawatan kaki. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan sebanyak 90% peserta setelah dilakukan promosi kesehatan manajemen diabetik tentang penatalakasanaan DM dan foot care. Peserta kooperatif selama mengikuti kegiatan PKM dan pemberian booklet promosi kesehatan perawatan luka diabetik. Promosi Kesehatan tentang managemen diabetik dilakukan untuk menambah pengetahuan kader kesehatan dan mampu mengaplikasikan pencegahan dini luka diabetik salah satunya dengan senam kaki diabetik.


Kata kunci: Promkes, Pencegahan Luka Diabetik, Kader Kesehatan




Introduction: Diabetes self-care is an action taken by a person to control diabetes which includes drug therapy and complications. Measurement of diabetes care activity includes diet (diet), physical exercise, blood sugar monitoring, and drug therapy. In an effort to increase the independence of taking care of the feet, it is necessary to do it gradually by providing regular education and introducing it from an early age to people with diabetes mellitus as an effort to prevent the occurrence of diabetic ulcers. DM cases are in the fourth position in the top 10 causes of disease in the city of Semarang. Objective: Community service activities provided by a group of health cadres in the West Semarang area are expected to know and be able to apply diabetes management as an effort to prevent diabetic wounds from an early age. Research Methods: Providing material on DM management, foot care, foot exercise, and mentoring. The evaluation begins with a pre-test and post-test of knowledge about foot care. Results: there was an increase in knowledge of 90% of participants after health promotion of diabetes management about DM management and foot care was carried out. Participants actively participate in activities and receive health promotion booklets. Conclusion: Health promotion on diabetes management is carried out to increase the knowledge of health cadres and be able to implement early prevention of diabetic wounds, one of which is diabetic foot exercises.


Keywords: Health Promotion, Prevention of Diabetic Wounds, Health Cadre

Kata Kunci

Promkes, Pencegahan Luka Diabetik, Kader Kesehatan

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