Efektivitas Guided Imagery and Music (Gim) terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Lansia dengan Hipertensi

Eka Yudha Christanto, M. Arifki Zainaro, Ade Gunawati Sandi




Hipertensi merupakan tekanan darah di atas atau sama 140 mmHg bagian systole dan di atas atau sama 90 mmHg bagian diastole. Beberapa terapi yang dapat dilakukan dalam hipertensi yaitu penanganan non farmakologis seperti, pijat kaki atau refleksi, hipnoterapi, teknik relaksasi napas dalam, relaksasi otot progresif (Progressive Muscle Relaxation) dan imajinasi terbimbing sambil menikmati music (Guided Imagery and Music). Adapun salah satu keistimewaan dari Guided Imagery and Music ini yaitu membuat tubuh lebih rileks, menurunkan ketegangan otot, membuat tubuh beristirahat lebih berkualitas, tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolic dapat menurun. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, untuk mendapatkan kompetensi dan pengalaman dalam memberian asuhan keperawatan komprehensif yaitu dengan pemberian terapi Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) terhadap penurunan tekanan darah. Adapun kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah membimbing klien agar rileks dan beristirahat sambil melakukan imajinasi terbimbing disertai dengan mendengarkan musik. Terdapat penurunan tekanan darah setelah dilakukan terapi Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) pada penderita hipertensi lansia. Dengan demikian, terapi Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) efektif dalam menurunkan tekanan darah.


Kata Kunci: Guided Imagery and Music (GIM), Tekanan Darah, Hipertensi





Hypertension is blood pressure above or equal to 140 mmHg in systole and above or equal to 90 mmHg in diastole. Some therapies that can be done in hypertension are non-pharmacological treatments such as foot massage or reflexology, hypnotherapy, deep breathing relaxation techniques, progressive muscle relaxation (Progressive Muscle Relaxation) and guided imagination while enjoying music (Guided Imagery and Music). As for one of the features of Guided Imagery and Music, it makes the body more relaxed, reduces muscle tension, makes the body rest better, systolic and diastolic blood pressure can decrease. The purpose of this community service is to gain competence and experience in providing comprehensive nursing care, namely by providing Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) therapy to reduce blood pressure. The activities carried out are guiding clients to relax and rest while doing guided imagination accompanied by listening to music. There is a decrease in blood pressure after Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) therapy in elderly hypertensive patients. Thus, Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) therapy is effective in lowering blood pressure.


Keywords: Guided Imagery and Music (GIM), Blood Pressure, Hypertension


Kata Kunci

Keperawatan; gerontik;hipertensi

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/jkpm.v5i9.7196


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