Penerapan Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) pada Masyarakat dalam Menghadapi Pandemic Covid-19

Tiur Romatua Sitohang, Marganda Limbong




Penyintas Covid 19 cenderung mengalami Post Traumatic Stress Disorder sebesar 30,2% (Janiri, 2020). Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Jiwa Indonesia menyatakan sebanyak 80% mengalami gejala stres pasca trauma psikologis karena mengalami atau menyaksikan peristiwa tidak menyenangkan terkait Covid-19,  46% memiliki gejala berat, 33% sedang, 2% ringan, dan sisanya tidak bergejala. Gejala PTSD dapat dikurangi dengan intervensi psikoterapi yaitu CBT (Cognitif Behavior Therapy). Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah Meningkatkan pengetahuan  masyarakat mengenai Pandemic Covid 19 dan Therapy Cognitive Behavior, dan memperkenalkan Therapy Cognitive Behavior sebagai salah satu terapi menurunkan Post Trauma Stres Disorder, ketidaknyamanan, kecemasan, masalah perilaku dan tekanan psikologis selama pandemic Covid 19. Berdasarkan hasil pre test sebelum dilakukan Cognitive Behavior Therapy diperoleh hasil sebanyak 4 orang tidak memiliki gejala PTSD, 27 orang memiliki gejala ringan dan 5 orang memiliki gejala PTSD sedang. Setelah dilakukan Cognitive Behavior Therapy ditemukan  Post Trauma Distres Sindrom berada pada kategori tidak memiliki gejala sebanyak 10 orang dan  24 orang memiliki gejala PTSD pada kategori ringan dan 2 orang kategori sedang. Kesimpulan : Terapi Cognitive Behavior efektif  menurunkan gejala Post Trauma Sindrom Disorder dialami penyintas Covid 19 dan keluarga sehubungan dengan adanya pandemic covid 19. 


Kata Kunci: CBT, PTSD, Pandemi Covid-19





Janiri (2020) stated that 30.2% of the total 381 respondents who survived Covid 19 experienced Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. According to the Association of Indonesian Mental Medicine Specialists, as many as 80% of the 182 self-examination results experienced symptoms of psychological post-traumatic stress due to experiencing or witnessing unpleasant events related to Covid-19, 46% had severe symptoms, 33% moderate, 2% mild, and the rest did not. symptomatic. PTSD symptoms can be reduced by psychotherapy intervention, namely CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy). The purpose of this community service activity is to increase public knowledge about the Covid 19 Pandemic and Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and introduce Cognitive Behavior Therapy as a therapy to reduce Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, discomfort, anxiety, behavioral problems and psychological stress during the Covid 19 pandemic. Based on the results of the pre-test prior to Cognitive Behavior Therapy, it was found that 4 people did not have PTSD symptoms, 27 people had mild symptoms and 5 people had moderate PTSD symptoms. After doing Cognitive Behavior Therapy, it was found that the Post Traumatic Distress Syndrome was in the asymptomatic category as many as 10 people and 24 people had PTSD symptoms in the mild category and 2 people in the moderate category. Conclusion: Cognitive Behavior Therapy is effective in reducing the symptoms of Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder experienced by Covid 19 survivors and their families in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: CBT, PTSD, COVID-19 pandemic

Kata Kunci

CBT ; PTSD; Pandemic Covid 19

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