Memelihara Respon Psikologis Ibu Hamil dengan “Emotional Freedom Techniques” (EFT)” di Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru Covid 19

Maria Magdalena Saragi, Muthoh Hariani





Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan dalam bentuk pemberian terapi Emotional FreedomTechnique pada ibu hamil di masa Adaptasi Pandemi covid 19. Peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan pelaksanaan Terapi Emotional Freedom Technique adalah ibu hamil yang berjumlah 38 orang. Tujuan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat adalah memperkenalkan Emotional Freedom Technique untuk mengatasi respon negative yang dimiliki ibu selama masa pandemic Covid 19.  Dari hasil kegiatan diperoleh Respon psikologis dengan depresi yang dialami ibu hamil sebelum dilakukan EFT berada pada kategori Normal 35 orang, ringan 3 orang dan setelah dilakukan EFT semua responden mengalami respon psikologis depresi dalam kategori Normal. Sebelum dilakukan EFT kecemasan Ibu hamil kategori Normal 16 orang, ringan 20 orang dan sedang 2 orang. Setelah dilakukan  EFT terjadi perubahan kecemasan, kecemasan kategori Normal  34 orang, ringan 4 orang dan tidak ada Ibu hamil yang mengalami kecemasan sedang. Respon psikologis dengan stress yang dialami ibu hamil sebelum melakukan EFT 31 orang kategori Normal, 6 orang ringan dan 1 orang sedang. Sesudah melakukan EFT terjadi perubahan psikologis stres yaitu kategori sedang menjadi tidak ada, ringan 1 orang, selebihnya 37 orang  kondisi normal. Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat berlangsung sangat antusias, semua Ibu hamil dapat mendemonstrasikan Kembali Terapi EFT dengan baik.  Melakukan EFT secara rutin dirumah akan menjaga keseimbangan tubuh , mengurangi tingkat stress, membantu menenangkan fikiran dan tubuh dengan menghilangkan stress emosional dan  kegelisahan.


Kata Kunci: Emotional Freedom Therapy, Psikologis Ibu Hamil, Pandemic Covid- 19




Community service is carried out in the form of providing Emotional Freedom Technique therapy to pregnant women during the Covid 19 Pandemic Adaptation period. Participants who took part in the implementation of Emotional Freedom Technique Therapy were pregnant women, totaling 38 people. The purpose of Community Service is to introduce the Emotional Freedom Technique to overcome the negative responses that mothers have during the Covid 19 pandemic. From the results of the activity, the psychological response with depression experienced by pregnant women before the EFT was carried out was in the Normal category 35 people, mild 3 people and after it was done EFT all respondents experienced a psychological response to depression in the Normal category. Prior to the EFT, the anxiety of pregnant women was in the Normal category 16 people, 20 people mild and 2 people moderate. After the EFT was done, there was a change in anxiety, the anxiety category was Normal 34 people, mild 4 people and no pregnant women experienced moderate anxiety. Psychological responses to stress experienced by pregnant women before doing EFT were 31 people in the Normal category, 6 people mild and 1 person moderate. After doing EFT, there was a change in psychological stress, namely the moderate category became non-existent, 1 person mild, the rest 37 people were in normal condition. The Community Service activities took place very enthusiastically, all pregnant women were able to demonstrate the EFT Therapy well. Doing EFT regularly at home will maintain body balance, reduce stress levels, help calm the mind and body by eliminating emotional stress and anxiety.

Keywords: Emotional Freedom Therapy, Psychological Pregnant Women, Pandemic Covid 19


Keywords: Emotional Freedom Therapy, Psychology of Pregnant Women, Pandemic Covid-19

Kata Kunci

Emotional Freedom Therapy, Psikologis Ibu Hamil, Pandemic Covid 19

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