Analisis Asuhan Keperawatan Intervensi Cadexomer Iodine Powder dan Zinc Cream untuk Biofilm pada Pasien Ny. E & Ny. D Diagnosa Diabetic Foot Ulcer di Wocare Center Bogor

Eneng Aminah, Naziyah Naziyah




DFU (Diabetic Foot Ulcer) adalah penyakit kaki penderita diabetes dengan karakteristik neuropati sensorik, motorik, otonom, gangguan makrovaskuler dan mikrovaskuler, perlu pendekatan multidisipliner untuk mengatasi terjadinya amputasi. Amputasi merupakan konsekuensi yang serius dari DFU. Sebanyak 14,3% akan meninggal dalam setahun setelah amputasi, dan sebanyak 37% akan meninggal 3 tahun pasca amputasi. Menganalisis asuhan keperawatan melalui intervensi penggunaan Cadexomer iodine dan zinc cream untuk mengurangi jaringan biofilm pada klien Ny.E dan Ny.D dengan diagnosa medis diabetic foot ulcer di wocare center kota Bogor. Hasil dari penggunaan cadexomer iodine powder ( iodisorb ) dan zinc cream (metcovazine) perubahan pada luka dapat dilihat setelah digunakannya pada Ny.E jaringan biofilm berkurang dengan kondisi luka jaringan granulasi menjadi 50% dan epitelisasi 75-100%. Pada Ny.D hasilnya jaringan biofilm pada luka yang sebelumnya tebal sudah berkurang, kondisi luka jaringan granulasi menjadi 50% dan epitelisasi 75-100%, dan eksudatnya berkurang. Penggunaan cadexomer iodine powder ( iodisorb ) dan zinc cream (metcovazine) signifikan dalam mengurangi jaringan biofilm dan mampu mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka. Penggunaannya bisa menjadi bahan acuan  berbasis evidence base practice baik untuk penulis,  wocare center  dan bisa menjadi pustaka untuk di universitas


Kata KunciDiabetic Foot Ulcer, Cadexomer Iodine, Zinc Cream, Biofilm





DFU (Diabetic Foot Ulcer) is a foot disease of diabetics with characteristics of sensory, motor, autonomic neuropathy, macrovascular and microvascular disorders, requiring a multidisciplinary approach to address the occurrence of amputation . Amputation is a serious consequence of DFU. As many as 14.3% will die within a year after the amputation, and as many as 37% will die 3 years after the amputation i. To analyze nursing care through interventions using Cadexomer iodine and zinc cream to reduce biofilm tissue on Mrs.E and Mrs.D clients with a medical diagnosis of diabetic foot ulcer at the wocare center in Bogor city. The results of using cadexomer iodine powder (iodisorb) and zinc cream (metcovazine) changes in the wound can be seen after its use on Mrs.E the biofilm tissue is reduced with the condition of the wound granulation tissue being 50% and epithelialization 75-100%. In Ny.D the result is that the biofilm tissue in the wound which was previously thick has been reduced, the condition of the wound is granulation tissue to 50% and epithelialization to 75-100%, and the exudate is reduced. The use of cadexomer iodine powder (iodisorb) and zinc cream (metcovazine) is significant in reducing biofilm tissue and can accelerate the wound healing process. Its use can be a reference material based on evidence base practice both for writers, wocare centers and can become a library for universities


Keywords: Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Cadexomer Iodine, Zinc Cream, Biofilm

Kata Kunci

Kata Kunci: Diabetic foot ulcer, Cadexomer iodine, Zinc cream, Biofilm

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