Analisis Determinan yang Berhubungan dengan Kewaspadaan Menghadapi Bencana Pandemi Covid-19 di Desa Aek Horsik Kecamatan Badiri Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah
The Indonesian government has declared a disaster emergency status related to this virus pandemic. The public is advised not to have direct contact with other people, to avoid mass gatherings. The type of research used in this research is Mixed Method research, namely Sequential Explanatory. This Mix Method research aims for data and information to complete the description of the study results regarding the phenomenon under study and to strengthen the research analysis. Quantitative research is carried out using a survey approach, namely by distributing questionnaires that will describe the public's vigilance against the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the results of the distribution of questionnaires distributed by the community about the covid-19 pandemic in Aek Horsik village, Badiri District, Central Tapanuli Regency, they were grouped as having knowledge related to the covid-19 pandemic, about vigilance in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic disaster was as many as 20 people (52.6%) and 18 people (47.4%) who have negative behavior so that they can see the relationship between community awareness behavior in dealing with the covid-19 pandemic disaster where people who have positive behavior eat will be alert in dealing with the covid-19 pandemic and about how people face the pandemic disaster covid-19 where people who have positive eating behaviors will be alert in dealing with the covid-19 pandemic and dealing with the covid-19 pandemic disaster, 20 people (52.6%) and 18 people (47.4%) who have negative behavior so that it can relate between behavior and public awareness in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia which people who have positive eating behavior will be alert in the face of the covid-19 pandemic.
Keywords: Vigilance, Disaster, Covid-19
Pemerintah Indonesia telah menetapkan status darurat bencana yang terkait dengan pandemi virus ini. Masyarakat dihimbau untuk tidak melakukan kontak langsung dengan orang lain, menghindari pertemuan yang bersifat massal. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian Mixed Method yaitu Sequential Explanatory. Penelitian Mix Method ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi untuk saling melengkapi gambaran hasil studi mengenai fenomena yang diteliti dan untuk memperkual analisis penelitian. Pada penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan dengan pendekatan survey yaitu dengan penyebaran kuesioner yang akan menggambarkan kewaspadaan masyarakat menghadapi pandemi covid-19. Bersadarkan hasil distribusi kuesioner yang di sebarkan kepada masyarakat tentang pandemic covid-19 di desa Aek Horsik Kecamatan Badiri Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah dikategorikan memiliki pengetahuan yang baik terkait pandemic covid-19, tentang kewaspadaan menghadapi bencana pandemic covid-19 adalah positif sebanyak 20 orang (52,6%) dan 18 orang (47,4%) yang memiliki perilaku yang negatif sehingga di dapati hubungan antar perilaku dengan kewaspadaan masyarakat menghadapai bencana pandemic covid-19 dimana masyarakat yang memiliki perilaku yang positif makan akan wasapada dalam mengahadapai pandemic covid-19 dan tentang kewaspadaan menghadapi bencana pandemic covid-19 adalah positif sebanyak 20 orang (52,6%) dan 18 orang (47,4%) yang memiliki perilaku yang negatif sehingga di dapati hubungan antar perilaku dengan kewaspadaan masyarakat menghadapai bencana pandemic covid-19 dimana masyarakat yang memiliki perilaku yang positif makan akan wasapada dalam mengahadapai pandemic covid-19.
Kata Kunci: Kewaspadaan, Bencana, Covid-19
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