Rani Ismiarti Ergantara, Emy Khikmawati




Penurunan kuantitas Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) di Kecamatan Kemiling akibat konversi lahan menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan daya dukung ekologis lingkungan dan kerusakan lingkungan. Penyediaan RTH privat menjadi salah satu alternatif yang harus didorong untuk mengurangi ketimpangan ketersediaan RTH publik sekaligus mereduksi pencemaran udara. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui jenis tanaman penyusun RTH privat, menganalisis dan mengevaluasi kecocokan jenis tanaman penyusun RTH privat sebagai penyerap emisi udara serta menyusun arahan pemilihan jenis tanaman penyusun RTH privat rumah sederhana (RS), rumah menengah (Rm) dan rumah mewah (RM). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengevaluasi nilai Anticipated Pollution Index (API) yang dikombinasikan dengan nilai Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI). Tumbuhan yang digunakan adalah 15 jenis tanaman dominan pengisi RTH privat Kecamatan Kemiling yaitu Mangifera odorata, Annona muricata, Ficus benjamina, Cyrtostachys renda, Oleina syzygium, Plumeria alba, Aglaonema sp, Saraca asoca, Anredera cordifolia, Pandanus amaryllifolius, Piper betle L, Bouganvillea, Euodia ridleyi, minum Sambac, Rhoeo discolor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai API dari jenis pohon lebih tinggi dibandingkan perdu dan semak. Selanjutnya, jenis pohon, perdu, dan semak yang direkomendasikan sebagai pengisi RTH privat RS, Rm, dan RM di Kecamatan Kemiling Kota Bandar Lampung adalah Mangifera odorata (mangga kweni), Annona muricata (sirsak) Ficus benjamina (beringin laut), Aglaonema sp. (snow wkite), Plumeria alba (kamboja), Pandanus amaryllifolius (pandan wangi),  Piper betle L (sirih hijau), Saraca asoca (asoka) dan/ Anredera cordifolia (binahong).


Kata Kunci: air pollution tolerance index, anticipated pollution index, ruang terbuka hijau, privat, pekarangan, emisi udara





Plants Type Selection Analysis For Air Emission Aborber To Support Green Private Spaces In Kemiling Sub District Bandar Lampung City.The decrease of Green Open Space (RTH) quantity in Kemiling District due to land conversion causes an imbalance in the environmental carrying capacity and environmental damage. Provision of private green open space is one alternative that must be encouraged to reduce the imbalance in the availability of public open green space while reducing air pollution. This study aims to determine the type of private green space constituent plants, analyze and evaluate the suitability of private green space constituent plants as absorbers of air emissions and arrange directives for the selection of constituent plants for small houses (RS), medium houses (Rs) and large houses (RM). This research was conducted by evaluating the value of the Anticipated Pollution Index (API) combined with the value of the Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI). The plants used were 15 types of dominant dominant green space fillers in the Kemiling District, namely Mangifera odorata, Annona muricata, Ficus benjamina, Cyrtostachys lace, Oleina syzygium, Plumeria alba, Aglaonema sp, Saraca asoca, Anredera cordifolia, Pandanus amaryllifolius, Piper betle Lava, Bougan, Ligue Euodia ridleyi, drink Sambac, Rhoeo discolor. The results showed the API value of the tree species was higher than shrubs and bush. Furthermore, the species of trees, shrubs, and bush that are recommended as fillers for private green open space in the RS, Rm, and RM in the Kemiling District of Bandar Lampung City are Mangifera odorata (manga kweni), Annona muricata (sirsak) Ficus benjamina (beringin laut), Aglaonema sp. (snow white), Plumeria alba (kamboja), Pandanus amaryllifolius (pandan wangi), Piper betle L (sirih hijau), Saraca asoca (asoka) and / Anredera cordifolia (binahong).


Keywords: anticipated pollution index, air pollution tolerance index, green open space, private, yard, air emissions


teknik,biologi, pertanian, lingkungan

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