The Effect Of Use Of "Undercare Underwear ITA, Cidita" On Reducing Wound Pain Post Sectio Caesarea

Ita nashriva* -  STIKes Dharma Husada, Indonesia
Leri Septiani -  Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Anita Deborah Anwar -  Master of Midwifery, Dharma Husada School of Health Sciences, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Yanti Herawati -  Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University of Bandung, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Herry Garna - 
Hidayat Wijayanegara - 

Supp. File(s): common.other

Latar Belakang: Sectio caesarea diperkenalkan sebagai praktik klinis untuk menyelamatkan nyawa ibu dan bayi ketika komplikasi medis kritis muncul selama kehamilan. Pasien akan merasa sakit selama beberapa minggu post-sectio caesarea, pasien mungkin memerlukan pereda nyeri selama satu minggu hingga sepuluh hari setelah melahirkan. “Undercare Celama Dalam Ita” merupakan inovasi yang digagas dalam upaya memberikan kenyamanan untuk ibu post-sectio caesarea dengan menggunakan celana dalam yang sudah dimodifikasi lengkap dengan fungsi gurita dan magnet untuk membantu menurunkan nyeri post-sectio caesarea

Tujuan penelitian : menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan “Undercare Celana Dalam Ita” terhadap pengurangan dan nyeri  post sectio caesarea.

Metode penelitian : desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode quasi experimental design. Sampel penelitian ini adalah ibu yang yang dilakukan sectio caesarea di RSUD Kabupaten Bekasi periode bulan April 2024. Independent sample t test dan uji Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh overall skor dari pretest, posttest 1, posttest 2, dan posttest 3 terhadap pengurangan nyeri luka operasi post sectio caesarea.

Hasil penelitian : independent sample t test diperoleh posttest 1 (Mean Diff: 1,119; 95% CI 0,734-1,504; p = <0,001), posttest 2 (Mean Diff: 1,143; 95% CI 0,755-1,531; p = <0,001), dan posttest 3 (Mean Diff: 0,833; 95% CI 0,451-1,215; p = <0,001), menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan. Uji Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) diketahui bahwa overall data menunjukkan pengurangan nyeri  post sectio caesarea (Mean Diff: 4,130; 95% CI 2,147-6,114; p = <0,001).

Kesimpulan : terdapat pengaruh penggunaan Undercare Celana Dalam Ita terhadap pengurangan nyeri post sectio caesarea.

Saran : Bagi pasien post sectio caesarea  dapat menggunakan “Undercare Celana Dalam Ita, CIDITA” untuk mempercepat menurunkan nyeri post-sectio caesarea


Kata Kunci : Post sectio caesarea, Undercare Celana Dalam Ita



Background: In cases of life-threatening maternal or foetal problems, the sectio caesarea was instituted as a clinical procedure to preserve mother and child. Patients may need pain medication for one to ten days following delivery, and they will continue to feel pain for several weeks following a caesarean section. The "Undercare Underpants Ita" are a new invention that aims to alleviate the discomfort that some women experience after cesarean sections by utilizing modified underwear that includes octopus and magnet features.

Purpose:  The research set out to determine whether "Undercare Underpants Ita" could alleviate discomfort experienced by women after cesarean sections.

Methods:  This research used a quantitative approach based on a quasi-experimental methodology. This research aimed to examine the outcomes for moms who had cesarean sections performed in April 2024 at the Bekasi Regency Hospital. We utilized a Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) test and an independent sample t test to find out how different total scores from the pretest, posttest 1, posttest 2, and posttest 3 affected the decrease in post-sectio caesarea surgical wound pain.

Results: Posttest 1, posttest 2, and posttest 3 all yielded significant results in the independent sample t test (mean difference: 1.119; 95% CI: 0.734-1.504; p = <0.001), with posttest 3 also yielding a significant result (mean difference: 0.833; 95% CI: 0.451-1.215; p = <0.001). The results of the Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) test indicated a decrease in post-sectio caesarean discomfort, as evidenced by a mean difference of 4.130 (95% CI: 2.147-6.14; p = <0.001).

Conclusion: Last but not least, wearing Undercare Ita Panties might alleviate some of the discomfort that comes after a cesarean section.

Suggestions; For post sectio caesarea patients can use "Undercare Underpants Ita, CIDITA" to accelerate reducing post-sectio caesarea pain.


Keywords: : Post Sectio caesarea, Undercare Ita Panties.

Supplement Files

Keywords : Post Sectio caesarea, Undercare Ita Panties

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