Edukasi untuk Deteksi Dini dan Perawatan Lansia dengan Alzheimer di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Nurbaiti Nurbaiti, Shinta Gunawati Sutoro, Eny Supriyaningsih, Sri Wiwik Wiyanti, Imas Maesaroh




Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II melaksanakan kegiatan edukasi kesehatan lansia. Penduduk usia lanjut dengan kondisi demensia Alzheimer membutuhkan perhatian khusus. Jumlah penduduk lansia di Indonesia yang kian bertambah menjadi tantangan bagi keluarga-keluarga Indonesia. Kegiatan edukasi dilakukan secara online dalam bentuk workshop untuk memperkenalkan kasus demensia Alzheimer, cara merawat pasiennya dan mendeteksi gejala-gejalanya. Peserta adalah warga kompleks Depsos, para mahasiswa dan masyarakat umum. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta mendeteksi dan merawat lansia dengan demensia Alzheimer. Kegiatan dilaksanakan secara online dengan bantuan materi ajar yang dikemas dalam bentuk e-booklet dan video pembelajaran. Kegiatan dilengkapi dengan diskusi dan praktek bersama menggunakan instrumen Clockwise dan senam untuk mencegah penyakit Alzheimer. Kegiatan edukasi terselenggara dengan baik pada saat kondisi pandemi Covid-19.


Kata Kunci: Edukasi, Demensia Alzheimer, Clockwise





Poltekkes Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II carried out health education activities for the elderly. Elderly population with Alzheimer's dementia condition requires special attention. The increasing number of elderly people in Indonesia is a challenge for Indonesian families. Educational activities were carried out online in the form of workshops to introduce Alzheimer's dementia cases, how to treat patients and detect their symptoms. The participants were residents of the Ministry of Social Affairs complex, students and the general public. The purpose of this activity was to increase participants' knowledge and skills in detecting and caring for elderly people with Alzheimer's dementia. Activities carried out online were equipped with teaching materials in the form of e-booklets and learning videos. in this activity there were discussions, practice using Clockwise instruments and gymnastics to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Educational activities were well organized during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Keywords: Education, Demensia Alzheimer, Clockwise


Kata Kunci

edukasi, demensia Alzheimer, Clockwise

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