Digital Literacy Improvement and Patient Registration System Training Through of Good Care Application at Primary Healthcare in Indonesia and Timor Leste
Praktik Dokter Mandiri dan Puskesmas merupakan sarana pelayanan kesehatan secara medis yang memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada individu/perorangan maupun masyarakat di tingkat pelayanan kesehatan tingkat pertama (FKTP). Sistem pelayanan kesehatan yang sudah berjalan pada FKTP masih terdapat kendala salah satunya pada sistem registrasi pasien. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan efisiensi dan efektivitas dalam sistem registrasi atau pendaftaran secara online melalui aplikasi Good Care. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menggunakan metode presentasi, tutorial, diskusi, pre-post test dan evaluasi secara daring melalui Zoom Meeting maupun Whatssap Group. Dari hasil evaluasi didapatkan nilai rata-rata pre-test dan post-test menunjukkan bahwa sebelum dilakukan pemaparan materi, tingkat pemahaman berkenaan dengan hasil pre-test adalah 6,86. Setelah dilakukan pemaparan materi pendidikan kesehatan, rata-rata nilai post-test tingkat pemahaman terhadap materi meningkat menjadi 7,56 dengan gap score 0,7. Didapatkan bahwa 55,6% dari fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan tingkat pertama yang hadir sudah pernah mencoba menggunakan aplikasi Good Care dan secara keseluruhan mampu merasakan manfaatnya dengan memberikan penilaian aplikasi Good Care terhadap kebutuhan instansi (provider needs) dan masyarakat sebagai pengguna (customer needs) sebesar 77,8%.
Kata Kunci: Good Care, Registrasi, Pelatihan, Pengembangan, Literasi Digital
Independent Doctor's Practice and Puskesmas are medical health service facilities that provide health services to individuals and community at primary healthcare. The health service system that has been running at primary healthcare still has problems, one of which is the patient registration system. This community service activity aims to provide efficiency and effectiveness in the online registration or registration system through the Good Care application. The method for implementing this community service activity uses presentation, tutorial, discussion, pre-post test and online evaluation methods through Zoom Meetings and Whatssap Group. From the evaluation results, the average of pre-test and post-test scores showed that prior to presentation of material, level of understanding regarding the pre-test results was 6.86. After the presentation of health education material, the average post-test score for the level of understanding of material increased to 7.56 with a gap score of 0.7. It was found that 55.6% of primary healthcare facilities present had tried using the Good Care application and overall were able to feel the benefits by providing an assessment of Good Care application against institutional needs (provider needs) and patients (customer needs) of 77 .8%
Keywords : Good Care, Registration, Training, Improvement, Digital Literacy
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