Pendampingan Penilaian Status Gizi Balita bagi Kader Posyandu di Wilayah Kerja Poskesdes Desa Bandar Setia Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan Kabupaten Deli Serdang

Risti Rosmiati, Hardi Firmansyah, Erni Rukmana, Yatty Destani Sandy, Muhammad Edwin Fransiari, Esi Emilia




Proses penilaian status gizi yang dilakukan oleh kader di posyandu dapat menjadi sumber data awal dalam mengidentifikasi masalah gizi pada balita khususnya stunting. Pengukuran panjang atau tinggi badan di posyandu di wilayah kerja Poskesdes Bandar Setia masih menggunakan alat metline yang kurang cocok untuk melakukan pengukuran panjang atau tinggi badan. Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kader terkait penilaian status gizi balita dan interpretasinya. Tim pengabdian memberikan pendampingan mengenai cara melakukan penilaian status gizi yang tepat beserta interpretasinya terutama untuk mengukur panjang atau tinggi badan dalam menentukan stunting atau tidaknya balita yang diukur. Selain itu, tim pengabdian memberikan alat pengukur tinggi badan dan lingkar kepala untuk melengkapi alat pengukuran status gizi yang sudah tersedia di posyandu. Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pendampingan tersebut, pengetahuan dan keterampilan kader terkait cara penilaian status gizi meningkat. Harapannya setelah dibekali cara penilaian dan pelaporan status gizi balita, para kader dapat membantu mengidentifikasi baduta yang berisiko mengalami stunting di posyandu masing-masing untuk diberikan intervensi pencegahan stunting. Pengetahuan dan keterampilan kader terkait penilaian status gizi balita dan interpretasinya meningkat. Lebih lanjut kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat membantu program pemerintah dalam menurunkan prevalensi stunting di Indonesia, khususnya di Desa Bandar Setia.


Kata Kunci: Balita, Kader Posyandu, Stunting





The nutritional assessment by cadres in Posyandu might provide preliminary information for identifying nutritional problems in under-five children, particularly stunting. Measurement of length or height at the posyandu in the Bandar Setia Poskesdes working area still uses a tape measure which is unsuitable for measuring length or height. Improve the knowledge and skills of cadres related to the nutritional assessment of under-five children and their interpretation. The team provided assistance on how to conduct a proper nutritional assessment and its interpretation, especially for measuring length or height in determining whether or not the measured toddler is stunted. In addition, the team provided height and head circumference measuring devices to complement the nutritional status measurement tools already available at the posyandu. After participating in the mentoring activities, the cadres' knowledge and skills related to nutritional assessment increased. It is anticipated that after learning how to assess and report the nutritional status of toddlers, cadres can help identify under-fives at risk of stunting in their respective posyandu to be given stunting prevention interventions. The cadres' knowledge and skills related to the assessment of the nutritional status of children under five and its interpretation increased. Furthermore, this activity is expected to help government programs in reducing the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia, especially in Bandar Setia Village.


Keywords: Children, Posyandu, Stunting

Kata Kunci

balita; kader posyandu; stunting

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