Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Pelaksanaan Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja Tenaga Kerja di Lingkungan Panas Home Industri Aksesoris

Demes Nurmayanti, Nurmayanti, Rusmiati Rusmiati, Suprijandani Suprijandani, Mahawiraja Setiawan




Pembuatan aksesoris home industri konveksional kerajinan tangan manik-manik dari kaca, dalam proses tersebut dilakukan peleburan kaca yang membutuhkan suhu tinggi, sehingga ruang produksi memberikan dampak iklim kerja pada lingkungan kerja menjadi panas. Lingkungan kerja nyaman dan aman memberikan produktivitas tinggi bagi Tenaga Kerja dan perusahaan. Lingkungan kerja panas memberikan dampak heat cramps, heat exhaustion, dan heat strok. Heat exhaustion, dehidrasi yaitu banyak mengeluarkan keringat, sehingga menimbulkan hilangnya natrium dalam tubuh. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pelaksanaan keselamatan kesehatan kerja tenaga kerja di lingkungan panas home industri aksesoris. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan pada tenaga kerja home industri aksesoris manik- manik Desa Plumbon Gambang, Kec. Gudo, Kabupaten Jombang, berjumlah 35 orang yang bekerja di ruang produksi kerajinan. Metode Pengabdian Masyarakat adalah penyuluhan dan sosialisasi membiasakan tenaga kerja mengkonsumsi air mineral/ air yang mengandung elektrolit, membiasakan menggunakan pakaian berbahan mudah menyerap kringat saat bekerja, serta meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam pengendalian kecelakaan kerja dan pencegahan penyakit akibat kerja. Keberhasilan kegiatan ini dibuktikan dari hasil pretest yang memperoleh nilai di 40 sebesar 55 % dan 40 % mendapatkan nilai 30, setelah memperoleh materi hasil nilai terendah dari posttest tenaga kerja diatas 80 dengan persentase 65% dan 5 % yang memperoleh nilai tertinggi 100. Hasil monitoring setelah kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat 35 % belum menerapkan hasil penyuluhan dan sosialisasi di tempat kerja. Setelah dilakukan evaluasi dan choaching tenaga kerja terbiasa mengkonsumsi air mineral setiap 1 jam sekali dan menggunakan pakaian saat bekerja. Disarankan perlu ada kegiatan revitalisasi pada tenaga kerja langsung di tempat home industri.


Kata Kunci: Kesehatan Kerja, Keselamatan Kerja, Lingkungan Kerja, Desa Plumbon, Homeindustri Manik-Manik





Making accessories for the convectional home industry for handicrafts made of glass beads, in this process glass melting is carried out which requires high temperatures, so that the production room has an impact on the working climate in the work environment which becomes hot. A comfortable and safe work environment provides high productivity for the workforce and the company. Hot work environment has the impact of heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Heat exhaustion, dehydration, namely sweating a lot, causing loss of sodium in the body. The purpose of community service is to increase knowledge and implementation of occupational health safety for workers in the hot environment of the home accessories industry. Community service activities are carried out for the bead accessories home industry workers in Plumbon Gambang Village, Kec. Gudo, Jombang Regency, there are 35 people who work in the craft production room. The Community Service Method is counseling and outreach to accustom workers to consuming mineral water/water containing electrolytes, getting used to wearing sweat-absorbing clothes while working, and increasing knowledge in controlling work accidents and preventing work-related diseases. The success of this activity is evidenced by the results of the pretest which obtained a score of 40 of 55% and 40% obtained a value of 30, after obtaining the lowest score material from the posttest workforce above 80 with a percentage of 65% and 5% obtaining the highest score of 100. Monitoring results after community service activities 35% have not implemented the results of counseling and outreach in the workplace. After evaluating and coaching, the workforce is used to consuming mineral water once every 1 hour and wearing clothes while working. It is suggested that there should be revitalization activities for direct workers in home industries


Keywords: Occupational Health, Occupational Safety, Work Environment, Plumbon Village, Beads Home Industry

Kata Kunci

Kesehatan Kerja, Keselamatan Kerja, Lingkungan Kerja, Desa Plumbon, Homeindustri Manik-Manik

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