Penyuluhan Kesehatan Reproduksi Online Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dan Tetap Menjaga Silaturahmi

Ivanna Beru Brahmana, Yunita Furi Aristyasari




Pandemi Covid-19 merupakan bencana yang terjadi tiba-tiba. Protokol stay at home dan social distancing diterapkan untuk mencegah penularan Covid-19. Nasyiatul ‘Aisyiyah (NA), kelembagaan sosial remaja putri, rutin pertemuan tiap satu-tiga bulan sekali. Bulan Romadhon yang biasanya diisi berbagai kegiatan berjamaah menjadi sulit dilakukan di masa pandemi ini. Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini menggunakan aplikasi whatsapp sebagai penghubung silaturahmi dan pertemuan rutin sekaligus mensosialisasikan pentingnya kesehatan reproduksi bagi remaja. Whatsapp (wa) sebagai media sosial akrab digunakan oleh remaja. Tujuan memanfaatkan wa sebagai sarana menimba ilmu dan silaturahmi di masa pandemi. Urutan metode pelaksanaan meliputi pengisian daftar hadir dengan google form, dilanjutkan pretest. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan ceramah beserta tanya jawab yang dipandu moderator melalui chat dan voice note whatsapp. Tahap akhir diisi dengan post-test oleh peserta. Ceramah kesehatan reproduksi dengan powerpoint wa dan penjelasan materi dengan voice note, diakhiri posttest. Tercatat 35 peserta mengisi lengkap google form dan 4 orang tidak lengkap. Total 39 peserta merupakan 90,7% (39/43) dari anggota NA. Pretest diikuti 48,72% (19/39), posttest 53,85% (21/39) peserta, 80% peserta mengusulkan pertemuan online via wa tiap bulan, dan 20% pertemuan cukup dua bulan sekali. Seluruh peserta merasa wa bisa sebagai solusi tetap terjalinnya silaturahmi dan wahana edukasi yang berkesinambungan di masa bencana pandemi ini. Protokol kesehatan pun tetap bisa dijalankan. Simpulan yang dapat diambil adalah edukasi kesehatan dan silaturahmi tetap bisa dijalankan di masa bencana pandemi ini, dengan memanfaatkan wa.


Kata Kunci : Covid-19, edukasi, silaturahmi, whatsapp




The Covid-19 pandemic has led to the emergence of several new regulations in society that aim to prevent the transmission of the virus. These regulations, namely the stay at the home and social distancing. These regulations change several activities in society. One of the regular meetings for young women named Nasyiatul 'Aisyiyah has an agenda of meeting once every three months. Meanwhile, the month of Ramadan is usually filled with various congregational activities so that it is difficult to carry out during the pandemic. The implementation of this community service uses WhatsApp as a liaison for friendship and regular meetings as well as socializing the importance of reproductive health for adolescents. The sequence of methods includes filling in the attendance list with google form, followed by pretest. Then proceed with a lecture along with discussion guided by the moderator through chat and voice notes. The final stage is filled with post-tests by the participants. Register attendance by filling in the google form and pre-test. The reproductive health lecture by sharing material through PowerPoint and explanation of the material with voice notes then ended with a post-test. It was recorded that 35 participants filled out the complete google form and 4 people were incomplete. Participants who took part in the activity were 39 (90.7%) (39/43) of NA members. The pre-test was followed by 48.72% (19/39), post-test 53.85% (21/39) of participants, 80% of participants suggested online meetings via WhatsApp every month, and 20% of meetings were sufficient every two months. This study concludes that health education and friendship can be carried out during a pandemic by (WhatsApp).


Keywords: Covid-19, education, familiarization, WhatsApp

Kata Kunci

Covid-19, edukasi, silaturahmi, whatsapp

Teks Lengkap:



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