Sosialisasi SOP dan Tools Pemantauan MTBS Usia Kurang dari 2 Bulan Terhadap Peningkatan Pelayanan Kunjungan Neonatal (KN) Oleh Bidan Desa Di Wilayah Puskesmas Kota Langsa

Magfirah Magfirah, Nora Veri, Cut Mutiah, Emilda Alamsyahbudin, Idwar Idwar




Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk dapat melaksanakan Manajemen Terpadu Balita Sakit (MTBS) di pelayanan kesehatan. Salah satunya melalui pelatihan yang dilaksanakan diberbagai daerah. Pada umumnya pelatihan dapat meningkatkan kinerja tenaga kesehatan, namun sangat membutuhkan pengawasan yang efektif. Berbagai model pengawasan MTBS telah dicoba secara global, tetapi masih belum jelas model pengawasan yang mana lebih cocok untuk pelaksanaan MTBS. Bidan desa di wilayah kerja puskesmas kota Langsa sudah pernah mendapatkan pelatihan tentang MTBS, dengan demikian sangat dibutuhkan evaluasi penerapan Standar Opeasional Prosedur (SOP) dan Tools pemantauan MTBS tersebut terhadap peningkatan pelayanan kunjungan neonatal (KN). Tujuan Kegiatan adalah menilai pengetahuan dan pelaksanaan MTBS pada bayi muda kurang dari 2 bulan sesuai SOP serta penerapan Tools Pemantauan MTBS terhadap peningkatan pelayanan kunjungan neonatal (KN). Metode atau bentuk kegiatan yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah sosialisasi dan demonstrasi pengisian formulir MTBS sesuai SOP, penggunaan Tools pemantauan oleh bidan koordinator. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian masyarakat yang didapatkan, bidan desa memiliki pengetahuan baik yaitu (89,9%) pelaksanaan penerapan MTBS udah sesuai SOP sebanyak 82%.Tools pemantauan sudah sesuai dengan SOP yaitu (80%)


Kata Kunci: SOP, Tools pemantauan MTBS, Bidan Desa.





Various efforts have been made to be able to implement Integrated Management of Sick Toddlers (IMCI) in health services. One of them is through training which is carried out in various regions. In general, training can improve the performance of health workers, but it really needs effective supervision. Various models of IMCI supervision have been tried globally, but it is unclear which one is more suitable for implementing IMCI. Village midwives in the work area of the Langsa city health center have received training on IMCI, so an evaluation of the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and IMCI monitoring tools is needed to improve neonatal visit services (KN). The objective of the activity is to assess the knowledge and implementation of IMCI in young infants less than 2 months old according to the SOP and the application of the IMCI Monitoring Tools to improve neonatal visit services (KN). The method or form of activity used in this community service is the socialization and demonstration of filling out the IMCI form according to the SOP, the use of monitoring tools by the coordinating midwife. Based on the results of community service obtained, village midwives have good knowledge, namely (89.9%) that the implementation of the implementation of IMCI is in accordance with the SOP as much as 82%. Monitoring tools are in accordance with the SOP, namely (80%)


Keywords: SOP, MTBS monitoring tools, Village Midwives.

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