Peningkatan Kapasitas Guru dan Orang Tua Murid tentang Pangan sebagai Imun Booster bagi Anak

Endang Sri Wahyuni, Nawasari Indah Putri Sejati, Roza Mulyani




Pembelajaran tatap muka (PTM) pada satuan pendidikan di Bandar Lampung dimulai 14 Maret 2022 dengan tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan covid-19 untuk mencegah penularan covid. Pelaksanaan puasa ramadhan yang jatuh di awal bulan April 2022, berisiko menurunkan asupan gizi anak. Hal ini dapat menurunkan imunitas tubuh, sementara virus covid-19 masih berkembang di masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru dan orang tua murid tentang pangan sebagai imun booster. Metode yang digunakan adalah edukasi lewat virtual maupun tatap muka serta praktek mengolah sosis modifikasi. Edukasi dilakukan secara virtual melalui media grup WhatsApp dan secara tatap muka. Beberapa pertanyaan diajukan peserta edukasi pada saat edukasi tatap muka maupun lewat media grup WhatsApp. Nilai rata-rata pengetahuan tentang pangan sebagai imun booster meningkat sebesar 23,34 point (46,10%) dari 50,62 pada pre-test menjadi 73,96 pada post-test. Berdasarkan uji paired t test, edukasi dan praktek mengolah sosis modifikasi berpengaruh pada tingkat pengetahuan guru dan orang tua murid  (p=0,000). Edukasi tentang gizi dan kesehatan pada institusi pendidikan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pangan sebagai imun booster pada orang tua murid dan guru


Kata Kunci: Kapasitas, Guru, Orang Tua Murid, Pangan, Imun Booster





Face-to-face learning (PTM) at education units in Bandar Lampung begins March 14, 2022 while continuing to implement the Covid-19 health protocol to prevent Covid transmission. Implementation of Ramadan fasting which falls in early April 2022, risks reducing children's nutritional intake. This can reduce the body's immunity, while the Covid-19 virus is still developing in society. Community service activities aim to increase the knowledge of teachers and parents of students about food as an immune booster. The method used is counseling via virtual, face-to-face and demonstrate of processing modified sausages. Education is carried out virtually by WhatsApp group and face to face. Several questions were asked by counseling participants during face-to-face counseling or through the WhatsApp group media. The average value of knowledge about food as an immune booster increased by 23.34 points (46.10%) from 50.62 in the pre test to 73.96 in the post test. Based on the paired t test, counseling and the practice of processing modified sausages had an effect on the level of knowledge of teachers and parents (p=0.000). Education about nutrition and health in educational institutions can increase the knowledge about food as an immune booster for parents and teachers


Keywords: Capacity, Teachers, Parents, Food, Immune Booster

Kata Kunci

kapasitas, guru, orang tua murid, pangan, imun booster

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