Peningkatan Kompetensi dengan Metode Perceptorship Bagi Pembimbing Klinik di Rumah Sakit Permata Medika Semarang

Emilia Puspitasari Sugiyanto, Dyah Restuning Prihati, Endang Supriyanti, Chandra Hadi Prasetiya, Menik Kustriyani, Wijanarko Heru Pramono, Heny Prasetyorini




Perawat profesional yang memiliki kemampuan intelektual dan ketrampilan diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan keperawatan kepada klien. Pencapaian kompetensi praktik sangat bergantung kepada tersedianya lahan praktik yang memadai dan kesiapan Pembimbing Klinik. RS Permata Medika yang merupakan salah satu lahan praktik mahasiswa. Perawat yang ditunjuk sebagai pembimbing klinik, belum memahami peran sebagai preceptor kepada mahasiswa praktik dan metode pembelajaran di lahan praktik keperawatan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat diberikan kepada preceptor untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan menerapkan metode bimbingan pembelajaran klinik keperawatan di RS. Permata Medika. Pelatihan Perceptorship dilaksanakan dengan ceramah dan demonstrasi.  Evaluasi kegiatan diawali dari pre test dan post test materi Perceptorship dan redemonstrasi metode pembelajaran klinik keperawatan. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan sebanyak 90% peserta setelah dilakukan pelatihan preceptorship. Kegiatan PKM pelatihan preceptorship bertujuan untuk meningkat kemampuan kognitif  dan psikomotor tentang metode bimbingan pembelajaran klinik keperawatan. Perlu dilakukan pelatihan metode preceptorship secara berkala di rumah sakit yang digunakan sebagai lahan praktik, diharapkan preceptor akan terus mengikuti perkembangan ilmu keperawatan terbaru.


Kata Kunci: Kompetensi, Metode Perceptorship, Pembimbing Klinik





Professional nurses who have intellectual abilities and skills are needed to improve the quality of nursing services to clients. The achievement of practical competence is very dependent on the availability of adequate practice land and the readiness of the Clinical Supervisor. Permata Medika Hospital is one of the student practice areas. Nurses who are appointed as clinical supervisors do not understand the role of preceptors for practical students and learning methods in the field of nursing practice. Community service activities are given to preceptors to provide knowledge and apply nursing clinical learning guidance methods in hospitals. Medical Gems. Preceptorship training is carried out with lectures and demonstrations. Evaluation of activities begins with the pre-test and post-test of Preceptorship material and demonstration of nursing clinical learning methods. There was an increase in knowledge of 90% of participants after the preceptorship training. PKM activities for preceptorship training are aimed at increasing cognitive and psychomotor abilities regarding clinical nursing learning guidance methods. It is necessary to conduct regular preceptorship method training in hospitals that are used as practice areas, it is hoped that preceptors will continue to follow the latest developments in nursing science.


Keywords: Competence, Preceptorship Method, Clinical Supervisor

Kata Kunci

Kompetensi, Metode Perceptorship, Pembimbing Klinik

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