Analysis of Vitamin C In UV-Vis Spectrophotometry by SMK-SMTI Students at Bandar Lampung

Rudy Situmeang, Gregorius N. Susanto, Sumardi Sumardi, Posman Manurung, Miranti Syafitri, Faradilla Syani, Della M. Andini, Arya R. Syah




Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat khususnya guru dan siswa telah dilakukan di SMTI Bandar Lampung. Sekolah tersebut didirikan untuk menghasilkan teknisi. Salah satu persiapan utamanya adalah praktikum. Pada kesempatan ini, materi pelatihan yang diberikan sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi untuk praktikumnya, yaitu penentuan kadar vitamin C dalam beberapa jenis buah jeruk menggunakan metode spektrofotometeri UV-Vis. Hasil analisis vitamin C pada tiga jenis buah jeruk (lemon, mandarin dan medan), masing-masing adalah 8,31; 41,86; dan 32,02 ppm.


Kata Kunci : Vitamin C, Spektrofotometri UV-Vis, Jeruk Medan, Jeruk Mandarin, Lemon



Community service activities for teachers and students were implemented at SMTI Bandar Lampung, in which the goal of this school is to produce technicians. One of the main preparations is practice. In this activity, the training material prepared was suitable for technological developments. Therefore, the determination of vitamin C content in several types of fruit using the UV-Vis spectrophotometry method was examined. The results for those samples of lemon, mandarin orange, and medan orange were 8.31, 41.86, and 32.02 ppm, respectively.


Keywords: Vitamine C, UV-Vis Spectrophotometry, Lemon, Mandarin Orange, Medan Orange

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