Deteksi Awal Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II dan Peningkatan Kesadaran dalam Pencegahan Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II pada Remaja melalui Emotional Demonstration

Febtian Cendradevi Nugroho, Emiliandry F. T. Banase, Jane Austen Peni




Peningkatan jumlah penderita diabetes melitus dewasa muda dan remaja ini disebabkan oleh obesitas dan sedentary lifestyle. Pergeseran usia penderita Diabetes Mellitus tipe II yang dahulunya berada pada rentang usia pertengahan atau lebih dari 40 tahun, saat ini mulai menyentuh usia dibawah 40 tahun. Untuk itu perlu adanya kesadaran sejak dini dan pengetahuan yang baik mengenai pencegahan Diabetes Mellitus tipe II terutama pada remaja. Pemberian pendidikan kesehatan di harapkan dapat membantu dalam identifikasi kejadian prediabetes pada remaja dan kaum dewasa muda. Pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kewaspadaan remaja dan kaum dewasa muda ( Usia 15 – 24 Tahun ) pada penyakit Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II. Sejumlah 30 orang remaja mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa brainstorming, small group discusion, role play dan emotional demonstration  yang dilakukan dengan pre test dan post test. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat menggunakan metode  emotional demonstration. Usia peserta pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah remaja Akhir (17 – 25 tahun) dengan presentase 60%, remaja perempuan sebanyak 63,3% dengan Pendidikan sebanyak 73,3% SMA. Tingkat pengetahuan sebelum pelaksanaan kegiataan yakni saat pre test sebanyak 20% tergolong kurang pengetahuan dan meningkat setelah pemberian edukasi sebanyak 96.7% peserta telah memiliki pengetahuan yang tergolong baik dan hanya 3.3% peserta tergolong berpengetahuan cukup. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, diketahui bahwa terdapat 23.3% peserta termasuk pada golongan pra hipertensi, 2.7% hipotensi dan sisanya normal. Sebanyak 100% peserta memiliki glukosa darah sewaktu dalam kategori normal, 3.3% tergolong memiliki lingkar perut berlebih, 6.7% memiliki berat badan berlebihan dari rekan seusianya. Kegiatan deteksi awal dan peningkatan kesadaran dalam pencegahan penyakit diabetes mellitus tipe 2 berlangsung dengan lancar.  Hasil deteksi awal penyakit diabetes mellitus adalah telah terdapat peserta yang memiliki faktor resiko penyakit diabetes melitus tipe II. Pengetahuan peserta juga meningkat secara signifikan setelah diberikan konsep tentang diabetes mellitus tipe 2 melalui metode emotional demonstration. Dengan konsep pengetahuan tersebut, diharapkan peserta dapat mengaplikasikan dalam kesehariannya dan membawa ilmunya dalam keluarga sehingga kesadaran akan penyakit diabetes melitus dapat ditingkatkan.


Kata Kunci: Remaja, Diabetes Melitus, Emotional Demonstration



The increasing number of young adults and adolescents with diabetes mellitus is caused by obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. The shift in the age range of type II Diabetes Mellitus sufferers, who used to be in the middle age range or more than 40 years, is now starting to touch the age below 40 years. Thus, it is necessary to have early awareness and good knowledge about the prevention of Type II Diabetes Mellitus, especially in adolescents. The provision of health education is expected to assist in the identification of prediabetes in adolescents and young adults. The purpose of this community service is to increase knowledge and awareness of adolescents and young adults (15-24 years old) on Type II Diabetes Mellitus. A total of 30 teenagers took part in community service activities in the form of brainstorming, small group discussions, role plays, and emotional demonstrations which were carried out with pre-tests and post-tests. Methods community service activity using the emotional demonstration method. The age of the community service participants were late teens (17-25 years) with a percentage of 60%, 63.3% of female youth with 73.3% of high school education.The level of knowledge before the implementation of activities (the pre-test), categorized as much as 20% was classified as lacking in knowledge and increased after the provision of education as much as 96.7% of participants already had good knowledge and only 3.3% of participants were classified as sufficiently knowledgeable. Based on the data obtained, it is known that there were 23.3% of the participants included in the pre-hypertensive group, 2.7% were hypotensive and the rest were normal. As many as 100% of participants had blood glucose while in the normal category, 3.3% were classified as having an excess abdominal circumference, 6.7% had excess body weight compared to their peers. Conclusion: Early detection activities and awareness raising in the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus are running smoothly. The results of early detection of diabetes mellitus were that there were participants who had risk factors for type II diabetes mellitus. The participants' knowledge also increased significantly after being given the concept of type 2 diabetes mellitus through the emotional demonstration method. With this knowledge concept, participants are expected to be able to apply it in their daily life and bring their knowledge to the family so that awareness of diabetes mellitus can be increased.


Keywords: Adolescent, Diabetes Mellitus, Emotional Demonstration


Kata Kunci

Remaja, Diabetes Melitus, Emotional Demonstration

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