Pengaruh Modal Sendiri, Perputaran Kas, Perputaran Piutang Dan Marjin Laba Terhadap Rentabilitas Ekonomi Pada Koperasi Di Bandar Lampung

Nur Faizah, Hardini Ariningrum, Kusnadi Kusnadi


Abstract, This study aimed to determine the effect of their own capital, cash turnover, receivables turnover
and profit margin of profitability of economic cooperation in Bandar Lampung. The object of the study was 5
Cooperative in Bandar Lampung. The analysis tool diguanakn is Normality Test, Test Classical Assumption,
Regression Testing, Test-T, and Test-F where processing the data using SPSS version 17. The results showed
that the partial capital itself does not affect the economic profitability. Meanwhile, cash turnover, receivables
turnover and profil margins have a significant influence on economic profitability. Simultaneously shows that
equity, cash turnover, receivables tumover and profit margins are equally influential terhdapa beersama-
economic profitability in the Cooperative in Bandar Lampung. Suggestions to convey to the Cooperative board
should increase the level of accounts receivable tumover, so fast the refund is embedded in receivables into cash
back. For further research in order to pay attention to other factors that may affect the profitability of the
cooperative economy in Bandar Lampung.

Kata Kunci

Equity , Turnover Cash , Accounts Receivable Turnover Margins and Profitability Economy

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