Pengaruh Perputaran Kas, Perputaran Piutang, Perputaran Persediaan Dan Perputaran Total Aktiva Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sektor Industri Dasar Dan Kimia Yang Terdaftar Dibursa Efek Indonesia (BED Periode 2009-2013.

Benida Sari, Erna Listianingsih, Lestari Wuryanti


Abstract, This study aims to determine whether there is influence of cash tumover, receivable
tumover, inventory turnover and total asset turnover to profitability (Return On Investment) in
Company Manufacturing Sector of Basic Industry and Chemical Listed Securities Indonesia Stock
Exchange (BEI) Period 2009-2013. This study used secondary data obtained from
2015. Data analysis method used is the test data normality, classic assumption test and further testing
of hypotheses. The results showed that partially (t test) cash turnover partially influence on
profitability (ROT), partially receivable tumover affect the profitability (ROI), inventory turnover is
partially no effect on profitability (ROD), total asset turnover partially influence to Profitability (ROD,
the Sector Manufacturing Company and Chemical Industry Association of Registered Securities
Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) Period 2009-2013. Simultaneously cash tumover, perpuatran
receivable, inventory turnover and total asset tumover together (Test F) affects peofitabilitas (ROD on
a firm base and chemical industry sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI).

Kata Kunci

cash turnover, receivable turnover, inventory turnover, total asset turnover and profitability (ROD).

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