Pengaruh Likuiditas Dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Pt Aneka Gas Industri Natar Lampung Selatan

Lusi Mirnawati, Lestari Wuryanti, Bambang Purwanto


Abstract. This research aims to analyze and determine the effect of the liquidity and profitability of
the finacial performance of Varios Industrial Gases Natar PT Southern Lampung. Population in the
study of financial statements the sample that is used as a 6 period financial statements. Analysis model
used in completing this study is to test the classical assumption of date normality test, autocorrelation
test, multicollineariry test and heteroscedasticity tast. Regarding there is influence between liquidity
and profitability on thefinancial perfomance of Various Industrial Gases Natar PT Southem Lampung
text partially or simulteancously.

Kata Kunci

Financial Performance, Liquidity and profitability

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