Analisis Faktor-Faktor Biaya Mutu Pada Proses Produksi Nira Di Stasiun Penggilingan Tebu (Stations Mill Cane) Di PT Gunung Madu Plantations

Eri Wijaksana, Melani Anggraini, Sulastri Sulastri


Abstract. Cane is one of the agricultural commodities that have a good prospect to be developed as an
industrial raw material, in particular white sugar. Along with industrial development and population
increasing, the need for sugar is increasing therefore the PT. Gunung Madu Plantations continues to
develop its existence in the increase of fresh sugar cane plantations (PTS) and the use of cost on
sugar mill (mill cane).The purpose of this study was to analyze the use of quality costs incurred by
the company to the extent of damage Nira Cane, to analyze how much influence the cost of the quality
of the product quality improvement Nira Sugarcane at PT. Gunung Madu Plantations. the methods
that used in this study is a qualitative analysis and multiple regression analysis. Based on the results
of the regression analysis between the cost of the quality of the degree of damage Nira Sugarcane
production, which suggests that factors such as the quality costs (prevention costs, appraisal costs,
internal failure costs and external) significant influence, because the p value (significance F value) of
fourth the cost of a quality below 0.05. Cost control quality made by the company, showing that the
development cost of quality from year to year has increased from 2010 - 2014. With the increased,
cost of quality, resulting in damage levels of Nira Sugarcane production can be decreased, especially
the cost of prevention and appraisal costs.

Kata Kunci

Cost of Quality

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