Pengaruh Citra Merk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sepeda Motor Honda Di PT. Tunas Dwipa Matra (TDM) Mesuji

Herlina Putri Wulandari, Emy Khikmawati, Sujatmiko Sujatmiko


Motorcycle Competition in the Indonesian automotive market very tight, the motorcycle
manufacturers competing issued their flagship products in order to attract the attention of the market.
The point is PT. Tunas Dwipa Matra which one purchase for brand Honda motorcycle in area Mesuji.
Purchase for brand Honda motorcycle is decrease of competitive with another dealer in area Mesuji.
Detailed of research to do writer in PT. Tunas Dwipa Matra. The method used in this study is
observational methods and statistical data processing. Observation method is done by direct
observation, research questionnaires distributed to respondents. While the statistical data processing
is to process the data from the respondents' assessment based on the level of perceived and expected
to test the validity, reliability testing, simultaneous test and partial test in to SPSS 15. From the
analysis performance rating of the quality of electric service that gets the highest order of 2,742 is the
product image, 1,992 is the company image, while the lowest level of -,577 is the user image. The
explanation research conclusion is variable brand company and variable brand product have to
influence positive for apart decisions variable, meanwhile variable brand user have to influence
negative for purchasing decisions. Suggestion for PT. Tunas Dwipa Matra (TDM) Mesuji is always
improvement about promotion, because we doing promotion can be increase purchasing decisions by
customers. Meanwhile for PT. Tunas Dwipa Matra (TDM) Mesuji and brand image Honda
motorcycle, more than famous by people in area Mesuji.

Kata Kunci

Brand Image

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