Pengaruh Kepatuhan, Pemeriksaan Dan Penagihan Pajak Terhadap Penerimaan Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 21 Badan Pada KPP Pratama Kedaton Di Bandar Lampung

Putih Rahmawati, Kusnadi Kusnadi, Hardini Ariningrum


To the effect this research is subject to be determine assessable compliance influence, taxes
check and taxes billing to section income tax acceptance 21 on Taxeses Ministering Office Pratama
Kedaton Lampung's Port period 2011-2012. Population in observational it is exhaustive assessable
body which pay active its employee Income Tax on Taxeses Ministering Office Pratama Kedaton.
Gathered data by surveys, documentation, and nonperilaku's observation. Regression model that is
utilized have accomplished classic assumption quiz. analisis's tech data that is utilized is tech analisis
bifilar linear regression. Base Quiz result t acknowledged that compliance and influential taxes billing
signifikan to section Income Tax acceptance 21 but probing taxeses not signifikan's ascendants to
section Income Tax acceptances 21. Base Quiz f compliance, check and ala taxes billing simultan
having for signifikan to section income tax acceptance 21 on KPP Pratama Kedaton period 2011-
2012. There is factor even the most dominant influential is taxes billing factor.

Kata Kunci

assessable compliance, taxes check,taxes billing, PPh's cutting taxpayer section 21

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