Analisis Penetapan Biaya Produksi Dan Penentuan Harga Jual Iklan Pada PT Radio Suara Tiara Indah

Sonya Meiristia, Azli Fahrizal, Eka Sariningsih


This study aimed to analyze the accuracy of PT Radio Suara Tiara Indah in
determining the cost of production and the selling price of the ad to the client, because the
accuracy of the management plan is very cost effect on earnings in PT Radio Suara Tiara
Indah. This study used secondary data, documentation, participant observation, structured
interviews, and library research and use descriptive method with qualitative approach. The
results of this study showed that the cost of production and the selling price of the specified
ad less precise, because it is not done in accordance with existing methods. So it is difficult to
know whether the determination of the production cost and the selling price was right or not.

Kata Kunci

cost of production, selling price

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