Pengaruh Kebijakan Dividen, Sustainability Report Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan BUMN Go Public yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2010-2016)

Indah Lia Puspita, Putri Dhia Fairuz


This study aims to analyze the Influence of Policy Dividen, Sustainability Report Against
Value Company Bumn Go Public Company Year 2010-2016 This study uses 42 samples from company
BUMN Go Public Year 2010-2016. The sample is selected using the puposive sampling method. The
type of data used is secondary data. Data analysis using descriptive statistics, classical assumption
test, multiple linear regression test.The results of this study partially or simultaneously do not have the
effect of dividend policy, sustainability report against corporate value.

Kata Kunci

Corporate Value, Dividend Policy, Sustainability Report.

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