The Effect Of Shop Atmosphere, Product Diversity, Taste Of Taste, Price And Lifestyle On Consumer Purchase Decision (Studies in Cafe Happy Ice Cream Sukarame, Bandar Lampung)

Ratna Mulyaningsih, Lestari Wuyanti


This study aims to identify and analyze how much influence the atmosphere Stores,
Diversity Items, Taste, Price and Lifestyle on consumer purchasing decisions are perceived by
consumers in Cafe Happy Ice Cream Sukarame, Bandar Lampung.
Research methods used in this research is the method of observation, interviews, questionnaires, and
literature study using Likert scale and sampling methods used is Nonprobality sampling and purposive
sampling of 100 samples. The method of analysis used is multiple linear regression method.
The results showed that the purchasing decisions comprising Atmosphere Stores (X 1), Product
Diversity (X 2), Taste (X 3), Price (X 4) and Lifestyle (X 5) together have a positive influence. Where the
regression equation Y = 4,099 + 0,078 X1 + 0,331 X2 + 0,230 X3 + -0,678 X4 + 1,461 X5+ 2,850
Moreover, the simultaneous test (F test) seen that the atmosphere Stores, Diversity Items, Taste Price
and Lifestyle have a significant influence on consumer purchase decisions with a significance level of
0.000. However, based on partial test (ttest), variables that have a significant influence on consumer
purchasing decisions with significant levels such as for Diversity Products 0.003, Price 0.001 and
Lifestyle 0.000. While that does not affect the Store Atmosphere of 0.052 and taste Cake of 0.053. Of
the five variables that influence consumer purchase decisions in Cafe Happy Ice Cream Sukarame,
Bandar Lampung, the most dominant variable is a variable Lifestyle by ttest results.

Kata Kunci

Purchase Decision, Store Atmosphere, Diversity Items, Taste, Price and Lifestyle

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