Pengaruh Perceived Value Pada Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Nasabah Bank Mandiri Cabang WR Supratman

Wiewiek Indriani


Competition of the banking world is very competitive, therefore it takes maximum service to
create customer satisfaction. This study aims to explain and prove the influence of the perceived value
by customer priority Bank Mandiri Branch WR Supratman to customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Perceived value using three dimension that is functional value, emotional value and social value. This
research use survey method by using purposive sample sampling method with 100 respondents of
customer priority Bank Mandiri WR Supratman which have fund equal to Rp 1 Billion up to Rp 10
Billion. Data analysis method used in this research is regression analysis. The results indicate that 1)
Perceived value has a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction 2) Perceived value has
a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty 3) The influence of Customer Satisfaction
Against Customer loyalty. The implication of this research is that the banking industry should pay
attention to its services because it affects the value received that impact on customer satisfaction and
will create loyal customers.

Kata Kunci

perceived value, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty

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