collections_bookmark Focus and Scope
Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati (JPM) is an online, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal offering scholarly articles on various issues of psychology, especially public mental health. JPM publishes empirical research, literature reviews, and theoretical articles, in all aspects of psychology and public mental health.
We welcome articles from any psychology-related subjects that could fall under these sub-themes: Public Mental Health, Fundamental Psychology, Social Relation, Psychometrics, Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Organizational Change and Development, Life Span and Development. Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati aims at creating a forum for scholarly investigations, debates and discussions that would contribute towards advancing our basic knowledge of psychology, especially concerning public mental health.
Studies from diverse methodologies, including experimental studies using group or single-subject designs, descriptive studies using observational or survey methodologies, case studies, and qualitative studies, are welcome. High technical quality in the design, implementation, and description, as well as importance to the field is required to be reviewed and published in the JPM.All submitted manuscripts must be original, previously unpublished or must NOT be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
create_new_folder Section Policies
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device_hub Peer Review Process
Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati is a peer reviewed academic, scientific journal. All manuscripts submitted for publication should be original. Manuscripts published or under consideration for publication elsewhere should not be submitted and will not be considered. Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that if accepted it will not be published elsewhere in the same form or in any other language, without the written consent of the Publisher.
Manuscripts submitted to the journal management system is evaluated by the editors within two weeks at the latest. The manuscripts are critically evaluated basing on the journal’s submission criteria:
- scope of the journal and appropriateness to the field of study
- evaluation of the similarity
- appropriateness to the writing rules
- Publication language (APA 7th ed rules )
Manuscripts passed from initial review of editors and section editors are forwarded to reviewer who are specialized in the field concerned.
Reviewer state their decision whether they take the submitted manuscript into evaluation or not to the publication board within two weeks at the latest. If the reiviewer don’t state an opinion to the publication board, new reviewer are assigned for the reviewing the manuscript.
The assigned reviewer evaluate the study by using standard manuscript evaluation form. Moreover the assigned reviewer may also present their views and thoughts in the full paper and send it to the publication board. Evaluation of journal reviewers takes 2-4 weeks.
Views of the reviewer serve as a guide to editors to make final decision. Final decision always belongs to editors.
Reviewer can state the following four views for the submitted manuscript:
- Accept submission
- Revision required
- Resubmit for review
- Decline submission
Based on the views of reviewer second or third reviewer can be assigned. In such case, the same process of evaluation will be performed.
After reviewers’ evaluation is completed, views of the reviewer are examined at least two weeks by editors.
Editors give final decision for the manuscript by taking into consideration of views and suggestions of reviewer. The final decision is sent to the author.
The total time needed until the manuscript can be publish depends (additionally to the factors mentioned above) on the submission date, the journal's publication schedule, authors' adherence to the publication guidelines etc. Reviewed and accepted submissions are published by Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati, average would take time 2-4 months.event_note Publication Frequency
The journal is published twice a year (March and September) by The Association of Psychology Lecturers of Malahayati University-Bandar Lampung-Indonesia.
copyright Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge
bookmark_border Publication Ethics
The publication process at Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati is the basis of the improvement and dissemination of information objectively and respectfully. Therefore, the procedures in this process improves the quality of the studies.
Peer-reviewed studies are the ones that support and materialize the scientific method. At this point, it is of utmost importance that all parties included in the publication process (authors, readers and researchers, publisher, reviewers and editors) comply with the standards of ethical considerations. Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati expects all parties to hold the following ethical responsibilities.
Ethical duties and responsibilities are written in the light of the guide and policies made by COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
Ethical Direction for Publication
A peer-reviewed article is an absolute necessary in order to develop good quality article and giving feedback to the author. The author gets direct reflection regarding their article in the aim of improving his quality. A peer-reviewed articles is part of following the scientific method. Therefore, necessary to concur in a standard attitude of the ethical direction for publication among people involved as a team, such as the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer and the publisher.
The publisher takes commitment to follow all stages and take serious concern in consequence of ethical responsibilities. The publisher ensures in all stages a process without affected by advertising, reprint or other commercial revenue on editorial decisions. In addition, the editorial team like to collaborate with other journals and/or publishers for improvement.
Publication Decisions
The editors responsible for deciding which of the articles to be published. The editors adhere to the policies of the journal's editorial board and fullfilling legal requirements as shall then be in force regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editors like to discuss in a team to make final decision.
Fair Play
Regularly evaluates articles as intellectual property with justice without any discrimination to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors.
The editors team prohibited for spreading any information about an article to anyone except to own author, reviewers, and other editorial advisers. Ensuring in the secrecy of the author is the right of dignity.
Disclosure And Conflicts of Interest
Unpublished article would be return back to the author, removing from the database and preventing misapplication an article in the future.
The Reviewers Task
Contribution in Editorial Decisions
Assignment as a peer review assists the editor in making editorial decisions and through the editorial feedback, any suggestions or recommendations given to the author to improve the quality of the article.
After receiving the article, the editor will immediately process it and the author could follow the path of the management process until the final results of the publication.
The article has been submitted, handling as confidential documents. The reviewer and editorial board take responsibility of the article.
Standards of Objectivity
Reviewing process conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is prohibited. The arbiter assesses an article will consider their views with clarity and supporting arguments.
Acknowledgement of Sources
Reviewers will identify relevant and appropriate article, supported by citations. All statements includes observation, derivation, or argument reported should accompanied by relevant citation. A reviewer's warn to keep attention when finding any substantial similarity or overlap.
Disclosure And Conflict of Interest
Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review will be kept confidential and prevented from illegal use. Reviewers keep attention in conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or fellow authors, companies, or institutions.
The Author's Task
Report standards
The authenticity of an article presented by the author in referring the research result, finding an accureta data, creditability and accountability performed as well as an objective discussion of its significance. The proceeding of data manipulation is considered a violation, an unethical behaviour and unacceptable.
Data Access and Retention
The authors supply the raw data a relation to an article for editorial review, and also providing a public access to such data (consistent with the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases). When the author's article published, the author has to retain such data in serve of information in any event of a seminar presentation.
Originality and Plagiarism
The authors ensure that the article written is original, of one's own and if the authors have used the statement of others, appropriate citation is required
Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication
The author is prohibited for publishing same article in several journals, as indicating an unethical behaviour and unacceptable.
Acknowledgement of Sources
The author's attitude has to acknowledge scientific paper of others, also requiring several citations from reputable journal.
Authorship of Research an Article
Authorship to be restricted, merely those who have a contribution in research process such as conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the result. The contributors to be mentions as co-authors. The main author ensures that all co-authors have an agreement, a final version of the article and going to publish.
Hazards and Human or Animal Subjects
When the project involves a chemical, procedures or equipment that on the type of hazardous properties inherent in their use, the author to be explained clearly and identify these in the manuscript.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
Authors required to expose clearly regarding a conflict such as financial conflict, substantive conflict, of interest that might be interpreted to affect of the result during a project. All financial resource support in the project needs to be disclosed.
Fundamental errors in published works
When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper.
bookmark_border Screening For Plagiarism Policy
Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati has a policy for screening for plagiarism. We use Crossref Similarity Check Powered By Ithenticate to checking the authenticity article and tracking duplicate content. Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati will immediately reject papers leading to plagiarism or self-plagiarism.
Before submitting articles to reviewers, those are first checked for similarity/plagiarism tool, by a member of the editorial team. The papers submitted to Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati must have similarity level less than 20%.
Plagiarism is the exposing of another person’s thoughts or words as though they were your own, without permission, credit, or acknowledgment, or because of failing to cite the sources properly. Plagiarism can take diverse forms, from literal copying to paraphrasing the work of another. In order to properly judge whether an author has plagiarized, we emphasize the following possible situations:
- An author can literally copy another author’s work- by copying word by word, in whole or in part, without permission, acknowledge or citing the original source. This practice can be identified through comparing the original source and the manuscript/work who is suspected of plagiarism.
- Substantial copying implies for an author to reproduce a substantial part of another author, without permission, acknowledge or citation. The substantial term can be understood both in terms of quality as quantity, being often used in the context of Intellectual property. Quality refers to the relative value of the copied text in proportion to the work as a whole.
- Paraphrasing involves taking ideas, words or phrases from a source and crafting them into new sentences within the writing. This practice becomes unethical when the author does not properly cite or does not acknowledge the original work/author. This form of plagiarism is the more difficult form to be identified.
bookmark_border Retraction
The papers published in the Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati will be consider to retract in the publication if :
- They have clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g. data fabri-cation) or honest error (e.g. miscalculation or experimental error)
- the findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper crossreferencing, permission or justification (i.e. cases of redundant publication)
- it constitutes plagiarism
- it reports unethical research
bookmark_border Posting Your Article Policy
Understand Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati (JPM)'s article sharing and posting policies for each stage of the article life cycle.
Prior to submission to JPM
Authors may post their article any where at any time, including on preprint servers such as This does not count as a prior publication.
Upon submission to JPM
Authors may share or post their submitted version of the article (also known as the preprint) in the following ways:
On the author’s personal website or their employer’s website
On institutional or funder websites if required
In the author’s own classroom use
On Scholarly Collaboration Networks (SCNs) that are signatories to the International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers’ Sharing Principles (
The following text should be included on the first page of the submitted article when it first is posted in any of the above outlets: “This work has been submitted to the Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati, for possible publication".
Upon acceptance to JPM
If an author previously posted their submitted version of the article in any of the following locations, he or she will need to replace the submitted version with the accepted version of JPM. No other changes may be made to the accepted article.
- Author’s personal website
- Author’s employer’s website
- Funder’s repository*
Final published article
- When the article is published, the posted version should be updated with a full citation to the original of Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati, including DOI. He or she will need to replace the accepted version with the published article version of JPM.
- The article will be followed by statements on the JPM's copyright notice
bookmark_border Review Guideline
In reviewing the manuscript, the reviewer should pay attention to the following:
Manuscript Conformity with the Guideline
Is the writing in accordance with the template?
Is the writing in accordance with the author guidelines?
Has the writing meet the criteria of scientific writing?
Does the author uses reference manager?
Does the title reflect the content of the manuscript?
Has the title ben formulated effectively and efficiently (no more than 18 words)?
Does the abstract include: research objectives, method, result and conclusion, and implication of the study?
Are the keywords appropriate to the focus of the research?
Does the introduction describe the gaps, urgency, and novelty of the research problem?
Is there a literature review (mostly based on previous research) in the introduction that takes precedence in explaining the urgency of the research problem raised?
Does the research problem raised contribute to the field of study being studied?
Is the research methodology clearly explained?
Is the number of samples and their characteristics are clearly explained?
Is the explanation of the measuring instrument or research instrument adequate (name of measuring instrument, reference to the theory underlying the measuring instrument, sample items, scoring, validity, and reliability)?
Is the data analysis used appropriate to answer the research problem?
Specifically for experimental research, were the research stages and manipulations carried out clearly explained according to the experimental design being carried out?
Specifically for qualitative research, is the data triangulation process clearly explained?
Is results obtained from calculation statistics/ data analysis is correct, appropriate, and adequate?
Are the tables or figures presented relevant to explain the research results?
Are the tables or figures presented in the APA 7th ed format?
Are the article pictures and / or tables fully illustrated and presented in the text linked to the main text of the article?
Is the description of the table or figure appropriate and appropriate in explaining the conclusion of the table or figure?
Specifically for qualitative research, are the results of the interviews or observations obtained clearly explained for each respondent?
Has the discussion covered all research results accurately and comprehensively?
Has the discussion compared the results of the research with findings from previous studies, theories, or other findings in the field?
Has the presentation of the discussion been made in a logical, adequate, and clear synthesis?
Does the discussion include the limitations of the research?
Conclusion and Reccomendation
Does the conclusion answer the questions and research objectives?
Are the practical suggestions given in accordance with the results of the research?
Are the suggestions for previous research in accordance with the limitations of the study?
Are all references used primary sources?
Are 80% of the references used recent (last 10 years max)?
Are 80% of references from reputable international journals?
Is the number of references used appropriate (min 20)?
bookmark_border Author Fee
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Publication Charge (APC): 513.500.00 (IDR)
APC must be paid to proceed to review stage.