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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh locus of control dan keterlibatan dalam kegiatan terhadap College Student Subjective Well Being pada mahasiswa penerima beasiswa bidikmisi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa beasiswa bidikmisi di Bandar Lampung mulai dari semester tiga dengan jumlah 208 orang mahasiswa. Data penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan google formulir yang berisi dari tiga alat ukur yaitu skala College Student Subjective Well-Being Questionnaire (CSSWQ), skala Locus of Control (LoC), dan skala Keterlibatan Dalam Kegiatan Non Akademik (KDKNA). Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan regresi berganda dengan hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peran locus of control dan keterlibatan dalam kegiatan non akdemik dengan college student subjective well-being (p<0,05) dengan sumbangan sebesar 20,3%. Variabel keterlibatan dalam kegiatan non akademik memberikan sumbangan lebih besar dari pada locus of control terhadap college student subjective well-being. Mengingat hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa mahasiswa bidikmisi kurang meluangkan waktu dan mengikuti kegiatan dengan beragam jenis. Sehingga mahasiswa perlu mengisi waktu luang dengan bersosialisasi dan beraktifitas guna membantu meningkatkan college student subjective wellbeing.
Kata kunci: College Student Subjective Well-Being, Keterlibatan dalam Kegiatan, Locus of Control
This study aims to determine the effect of locus of control and involvement in Non Academic Activities on College Student Subjective Well Being in college student who received Bidikmisi scholarship. The subjects in this study were Bidikmisi scholarship students in Bandar Lampung starting from the third semester with a total of 208 students. The research data was taken using a google form containing three measuring instruments, namely the College Student Subjective Well-Being Questionnaire (CSSWQ) scale, the Locus of Control (LoC) scale, and the Involvement in Non-Academic Activities (KDKNA) scale. The analysis technique in this study uses multiple regression with the results showing that there is the role locus of control and involvement in non-academic activities with college student subjective well-being (p <0.05) with a contribution of 20.3%. The variable of involvement in non-academic activities gave a greater contribution than the locus of control to college student subjective well-being. Given the results of the study found that bidikmisi students spent less time and took part in various types of activities. So that students need to fill their free time by socializing and doing activities to help improve college student subjective wellbeing.
Keywords: College Student Subjective Well-Being, Involvement In Activities, Locus Of Control
Supplement Files
Keywords : College Student Subjective Well-Being; Keterlibatan dalam Kegiatan; Locus of Control
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