Analisis Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Leverage, Likuiditas, Dan Harga Saham Terhadap Jumlah Dividen Tunai

Indah Lia Puspita


The objective of this research is to finding out and analyze the influence of profitability, leverage, likuidity and stock price toward cash dividend amount. It is interesting to analyze factors that influence dividend cash policy because to many considerations. Sometimes those considerations cause conflict between many parties. Research object is Manufacture company that listing in Bursa Efek Indonesian that paid dividend. Research sample using purposive judgment sampling of Manufacture company that listing in Bursa Efek Indonesian for period ended 2007 and 2011. This research concludes that stock price have significant influence toward cash dividend amount. On the other hand, profitability, leverage, likuidity doesn't have significant influence.

Kata Kunci

cash dividend, profitability, leverage, likuidity, stock price



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