Pengaruh Modal Sendiri, Modal Pinjaman Dan Lama Usaha Terhadap Pendapatan Pedagang Kecil Pengrajin Keripik Di Kawasan Sentra Industri Keripik (Gang Pu) Jalan Za. Pagar Alam Bandar Lampung

Tri Wulan Mayasari, Indah Lia Puspita, Hardini Ariningrum


Abstract. Micro, small and medium scale businesses. have significant role for Indonesia’s economy.
These may enrich job opportunity, income and wealth increase, economy development and national
stability. Micro, small and medium scale businesses, development met some obstacles. The common
difficulties included limited capital and its access, marketing, distribution and material sources
problems as well as qualified human surces. This study was to identify the effect of owner equity, loan
capital and business age towards income on small traders of banana chips at Gang PU Home Industry
District on Pagar Alam Street of Bandar Lampung. The objects were small traders of banana chips at 4
Km long Pagar Alam Street of Bandar Lampung. Analysis instruments were classical assumption,
double linear regression test,T test partial, Stimulant Test with F Test generated on SPSS version 16.
T Test found that. partially. there were effects among owner's equity and loan capital towards income.
Meanwhile, business age did not affect income. F Test revealed that owner’s equity. loan capital and
business age, simultaneously, influenced income.

Kata Kunci

Owner Equity, Loan Capital, Business Age, Income

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