Pengaruh Rasio Margin Laba, Rasio Lancar, Rasio Cepat,Rasio Utang Jangka Panjang, Rasio Hasil Pengembalian Investasi, Rasio Utang, Rasio Perputaran Piutang, Rasio Hasil Pengembalian Ekuitas Dan Rasio Perputaran Aktiva Tetap Terhadap Pertumbuhan Laba Sebelum Dan Sesudah Pemisahan Air Traffic Control, Studi Kasus Pada PTAngkasa Pura II Persero) Periode 2011 2014

Umi Khanifah, Erna Listyaningsih, Bambang Purwanto


The objective of this research are found regression from net profit margin, current ratio,
quick ratio, long term dept to equity ratio, return on inverstment, dept to equity ratio, turn over ratio,
return on equity and fixed asset turn over ratio toward growing profit (before and after separation Air
Traffic Control, case study in PT Angkasa Pura II Persero) with partial altough simultaneous. And
also for found the different of financial performance in PT Angkasa Pura II (before and after
separation Air Traffic Control, case study in PT Angkasa Pura II Persero) with used Paired Sample ttest.
The research used approachment quantitative. Data used in this research is secondary data like
as financial quartely report PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) period 2011 2014. Population from this
research is financial report PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) from years 1984 2014. Taken sample
technique that used Sistematic Sampling, with period from years 2011 2014. Method for analysis
data is regression linear analysis method and different test Paired Sample t-test that processed used
SPSS 20.0 program for windows. The result have indicate with partial test, only net profit margin that
have significat regression toward growing profit while current ratio, quick ratio, long term dept to
equity ratio, return on inverstment, dept to equity ratio, turn over ratio, return on equity and fixed
egression toward growing profit in PT Angkasa Pura II
(Persero). The result from Simultaneous test have indicate if net profit margin that have significant
regression toward growing profit while current ratio, quick ratio, long term dept to equity ratio,
return on inverstment, dept to equity ratio, turn over ratio, return on equity and fixed asset turn over
PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero). And for
result from different test Paired sample t-test have indicate if perfomance financial before and after
separation Air Traffic Control is different. Performance Financial before separation Air Traffic
Control more better than after separation Air Traffic Control

Kata Kunci

NPM, CR, QR, LTDtER, ROI, DER, RTO, ROE, FATO, Growing Profit

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