Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Tenaga Medis (Studi Kasus Bagian Keperawatan RS.Imanuel Bandar Lampung)

Wahyu Krisstyaningrum, Hesti Widi Astuti


This study aims to determine the influence of organizational culture on the performance of
medical personnel Immanuel Hospital Bandar Lampung , that can be obtained about the experience of
the real problems faced by Immanuel Hospital and can be used as consideration to overcome the
problems encountered and efforts to achieve the goals by Immanuel Hospital. In this study, data
analysis tool used is validity, reliability, simple linear regression , and t test . Methods of data
collection was obtained from primary data sourced directly from employees working in Bandar
Lampung Immanuel Hospital on the hospitalization of adult women who are 40 people .
From the results, the results of the t test of 3.611 indicates that the variable of work motivation is
influenced by organizational culture variables .

Kata Kunci

Organizational Culture, Performance.

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