The Effect Of Trading Volume Activity, Stock Price, Dividend, Earning Per Share, And Variance Of Return To Bid-Ask Spread (Studies in LQ-45 Company in the Indonesia Stock Exchange)

Eliza Chozna Ulfaniza, Erna Listyaningsih


This study aims to identify and provide empirical evidence about the influence of the trading
volume activity, stock price, dividend, earning per share, and variance of return to the bid-ask spread.
Objek this research are the companies listed in the LQ-45 in the Stock Exchange Indonesia.
This study is classified as quantitative research. The population in this study are all companies listed
in the LQ-45 2011-2015. The sample is determined by purposive sampling method, as many as 22
companies. Data obtained directly by downloading the company's financial statements LQ-45 which
has been published in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data were analyzed using multiple linear
regression analysis.
These results indicate that the test is individually variable trading volume activity, dividend and
variance of return influence the direction of a positive coefficient significant to the bid-ask spread,
while testing the individually variable stock price, and earnings per share does not affect the bid-ask
spread , Testing together five variables of trading volume activity, dividend, variance of return, stock
price, and earnings per share significantly affect the bid-ask spread

Kata Kunci

Trading volume activity, dividend, variance of return, stock price, earnings per share, and bid-ask spread.

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