Pengaruh Ekuitas, Pembiayaan Dan Dana Pihak Ketiga Terhadap Pertumbuhan Laba Pada PT Bank Mega Syariah Periode 2010 2014

Nurlela Intan Putrima, Lestari Wuryanti


This study aims to determine the effect of equity, financing and third-party funds (DPK)
against profit growth at PT Bank Mega Syariah period 2010 -2014. The object of this research is PT
Bank Mega Syariah which is the first Islamic commercial bank from the conversion of a conventional
bank, PT Bank Umum Tugu. Data analysis techniques in this study is a quantitative analysis that is
expressed with numbers - the numbers and calculations using statistical methods that assisted with
SPSS 17.0. The data analysis used in this study is the test for normality, classic assumption test,
multiple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing.
The results of this study with multiple linear regression analysis showed that partial variable
significance 0.913 meaning Financing partially no significant effect on earnings growth, variable (X3)
Funds partially significant effect on earnings growth, regression calculation results together- the
same (F test) indicates that the variable (X1) Equity, (X2) financing, and (X3) Third Party Funds
(X2) Financing and (X3) Third Party Funds together - equally significant effect on earnings
growth at PT Bank Mega Syariah.

Kata Kunci

Equity, Financing, Third Party Funds, Income Growth (Y) *

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