Pengaruh Experience Marketing, Nilai Pelanggan Dan Kepuasan Konsumen Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Go-Jek Di Surakarta

Caesar Fiero Pamungkas


The research aims to find out and describe the influence of either simultaneously or partial
experiential marketing, customer value, consumer satisfaction on GO-JEK customer loyalty in
Surakarta.This research using quantitative descriptive research design. The population is all
consumers who use GO-JEK services in Surakarta infinity people. The number of samples was
determined by the formula Hair et al and the results were 100 respondents. The sampling technique
using a purposive sampling method. The questionnaire is used for data retrieval. Data analysis
technique used was statistic analysis.The results showed that the experiential marketing F test,
customer value, customer satisfaction simultaneously and significantly influenced the GO-JEK
customer loyalty in Surakarta. The results of the t test show that experiential marketing has a positive
and significant effect on GO-JEK customer loyalty in Surakarta. Customer value does not have a
positive and significant effect on GO-JEK customer loyalty in Surakarta. Consumer satisfaction has a
positive and significant effect on GO-JEK customer loyalty in Surakarta. The regression model in this
study is Y = 9,407 + 0,251X_ (1) + (-0,081X_2) + 0,434X_3 + e. The results of the determination of
the coefficientindicates experiential marketing, customer value, and consumer satisfaction have an
influence of 19.4%. towards GO-JEK customer loyalty in Surakarta
Keyword: Customer Loyalty, Experiental Marketing, Customer Value, Consumer Satisfation

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