Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan Produk Kopi Melalui Pendekatan Rasio Produksi

Heri Wibowo


The company of coffee product was claimed always to serve of customer need by quality
output product better, because the output product was exported. To know the company performance
was by doing the survey about variables and then account the production cost efficiency by production
ratio method. The result during 2005 -2010 was the multiple regression that the variables is the most
influence of job satisfaction employees was reward and recognition with the coefficient was 0,509 or
50,9%. By the T test is known that reward and recognition variable was influenced partially to the job
satisfaction employees with thitung X1 (3,529) > ttabel (2,03951) and probability (0,001) > alpha (0,05)
and the result of production ratio was more low of production ratio, it was more big profit the
company. Based on research, the most dominant variable was reward and recognition, and the most
efficient of production ratio was 0,018 or 18% in 2010
Keywords: Production Ratio

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