Pengembangan Pariwisata Dan Dampak Sosial Ekonomi Di Bandar Lampung

Muhammad Luthfi


Tourism is an activity trip or part of these activities are voluntary and temporary objects
and to enjoy the tourist attraction of tourism sector is a significant source of foreign exchange and the
percentage contribution to the local treasury , which is widely also a source of foreign exchange. The
capital city of Bandar Lampung province with an area of 197.22 km2 comprised of 13 districts and 98
villages . This study aims to determine the development of tourism in the economic and social impact
of Bandar Lampung . The results showed a relationship attraction development and socio-economic
impact is low at 15.70 % means that tourism development does not have an impact on the socioeconomic
situation in Bandar Lampung . The role of local governments is needed in this case in the
form of policy and as a mediator between citizens about the location of the employer attraction
Keywords; economic and social attraction

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