Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali efek mediasi career adaptability terhadap future time perspective dengan employability bagi mahasiswa yang berada di akhir masa perkuliahan. Employability adalah kesiapan kerja sebagai sebuah kemampuan individu dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan. Future time perspective merupakan pandangan masa depan yang ada pada tiap individu. Career adaptability adalah kesiapan individu dalam menghadapi tantangan atau tugas yang akan datang dalam situasi kerja, career adaptability sebagai variabel mediator yakni sebagai perantara antara future time perspective dan employability. Jenis Penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan alat ukur skala employability, future time perspevtive, dan career adaptability. Partisipan pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang berada di akhir masa perkuliahan pada perguruan tinggi di berbagai universitas yang ada di Indonesia berjumlah 150 orang. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode uji analisis hipotesis regresi menggunakan proses SPSS. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh langsung future time perspective terhadap employability tidak signifikan serta career adaptability terbukti mampu memediasi hubungan future time perspective dan employability. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah menjadi panduan bagi mahasiswa tingat akhir dalam mempersiapkan diri menghadapi dunia kerja. Pengembangan kemampuan adaptasi karir dan pandangan masa depan yang kuat akan memunculkan kesiapan kerja, baik secara fisik maupun mental.
Kata Kunci: Career Adaptability, Future Time Perspective, Employability, Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir
This research aims to explore the mediating effect of career adaptability on the relationship between future time perspective and employability for students who are at the end of the lecture period. Employability refers to an individual's readiness for work, encompassing their ability to secure employment. Future time perspective represents an individual's outlook on their future. Career adaptability is defined as an individual's preparedness to face upcoming challenges or task in the work environment, serving as a mediator between future time perspective and employability. This quantitative research employed measurement scales for employability, future time perspective, and career adaptability. Participants in this study are 150 students who are at the end of their college years university from various universities in Indonesia. Data were analyzed using hypothesis testing through regression analysis with process in SPSS. The results of this study show that effect of future time perspective between employability not significant, and career adaptability was found to mediate the relationship between future time perspective and employability. The implications of this study serve as a guide for final-year students in preparing for their transition into the workforce. Developing career adaptability and a strong future time perspective fosters employability, both physically and mentally.
Keywords: Career Adaptability, Future Time Perspective, Employability, Final-Year Student
Keywords : Career Adaptability, Future Time Perspective, Employability, Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir
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