Hubungan Forgiveness dengan Subjective Well-Being pada Remaja di Panti Asuhan

Eka Septarianda -  Psikologi Islam UIN Lampung, Indonesia
Mohammad Nursalim Malay* -  Psikologi Islam UIN Lampung, Indonesia
Khoiriyah Ulfah -  Psikologi Islam UIN Lampung, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the relationship between forgiveness and subjective
well-being in adolescents who are in the orphanage, through the three components
contained in it, i.e. life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect. The subjects
of this study were 58 adolescents in the Budi Mulya Muhammadiyah Sukarame
orphanage. Data collection method using three scales, those are Heartland Forgiveness
Scale (HFS), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and Possitive and Negative Affect
Schedule (PANAS). The data analysis technique used is the product moment correlation.
The results of the analysis of this study explain that there is a positive relationship between
forgiveness and subjective well-being through the three components in SWB. The results of
this study have implications about the importance of forgiveness in increasing subjective well
being in orphanage adolescent.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan forgiveness dengan subjective
pada remaja yang berada di panti asuhan, melalui tiga komponen yang
terdapat di dalamnya, yaitu life satisfaction, positive affect dan negative affect. Subjek
penelitian ini adalah 58 remaja panti asuhan Budi Mulya Muhammadiyah Sukarame.
Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan tiga skala, yaitu Heartland Forgiveness Scale
(HFS), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) dan Possitive and Negative Affect Schedule
(PANAS). Data dianalisis dengan korelasi product moment. Hasil penelitian ini menerangkan
bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif antara forgiveness dengan subjective well-being
melalui tiga komponen dalam SWB. Hasil penelitian ini memberi implikasi tentang pentingnya
forgiveness dalam meningkatkan subjective well being pada remaja dipanti asuhan.

Keywords : Forgiveness, Subjective Well Being, Remaja Panti Asuhan