Syarifah Ivonesti* -  STAIN Bengkalis, Indonesia
Rany Fitriany -  Universitas Putra Indonesia "YPTK" Padang, Indonesia
Laily Maghviroh -  UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia



This study aims to see the effect of outbound training in increasing self-efficacy of vocational students. Data collection using a self-efficacy scale, interviews and observations. The research design used was The one Group Pretest-postest Design. The analysis used two related sample tests with the Wilcoxon test and qualitative analysis to describe the effect of outbound training to increase self-efficacy in vocational students. The results showed that there was an effect of outbound training on the self-efficacy of vocational students. The influence is positive, which means that when vocational students receive outbound training, the self-efficacy of vocational students will get positive changes related to self-efficacy.


Keywords: Outbond Training, Self efficacy, Vocational Students


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh pelatihan outbound dalam meningkatkan self efficacy siswa SMK. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala self efficacy, wawancara dan observasi. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah The one Group Pretest-postest Design. Analisis menggunakan two related sample test dengan uji Wilcoxon dan analisis kualitatif untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh pelatihan outbound untuk meningkatkan self efficacy pada siswa SMK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh pelatihan outbound terhadap self efficacy siswa SMK. Adapun bentuk pengaruhnya adalah positif, yang artinya ketika siswa SMK mendapatkan pelatihan outbound maka self efficacy siswa SMK akan mendapatkan perubahan yang positif terkait self efficacynya.


Kata kunci: Pelatihan Oubound, Self Efficacy, Siswa SMK

Keywords : Pelatihan Oubound, Self efikasi, Siswa SMK

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